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Cluster and storage switches

Migrate from a switched cluster with switch-attached storage

Contributors netapp-karunesh netapp-jolieg netapp-yvonneo

You can migrate from a switched cluster with switch-attached storage by reusing the storage switches.

By reusing the storage switches the storage switches of HA pair 1 become the shared switches as shown in the following figure.


  1. Verify that the storage configuration of HA pair 1 (and HA pair 2) is correct and error free:

    system switch ethernet show

    Show example
    storage::*> system switch ethernet show
    Switch                    Type               Address          Model
    ------------------------- ------------------ ---------------- ----------
                              storage-network     C9336C
         Serial Number: FOC221206C2
          Is Monitored: true
                Reason: None
      Software Version: Cisco Nexus Operating System (NX-OS) Software, Version
           Version Source: CDP
                              storage-network     C9336C
         Serial Number: FOC220443LZ
          Is Monitored: true
                Reason: None
      Software Version: Cisco Nexus Operating System (NX-OS) Software, Version
        Version Source: CDP
    2 entries were displayed.
  1. Move the HA pair 1, NSM224 path A cables from storage switch A to the NSM224 storage ports for HA pair 1, path A on storage switch A.

  2. Move the cable from HA pair 1, node A, path A to the NSM224 storage port for HA pair 1, node A on storage switch A.

  3. Move the cable from HA pair 1, node B, path A to the NSM224 storage port for HA pair 1, node B on storage switch A.

  4. Verify the storage attached to HA pair 1, storage switch A is healthy:

    storage port show -port-type ENET

    Show example
    storage::*> storage port show -port-type ENET
                                       Speed                             VLAN
    Node    Port    Type    Mode       (Gb/s)       State     Status       ID
    ------- ------- ------- ---------- ------------ --------- --------- -----
            e0c     ENET    storage            100  enabled   online       30
            e0d     ENET    storage            100  enabled   online       30
            e5a     ENET    storage            100  enabled   online       30
            e5b     ENET    storage            100  enabled   online       30
            e0c     ENET    storage            100  enabled   online       30
            e0d     ENET    storage            100  enabled   online       30
            e5a     ENET    storage            100  enabled   online       30
            e5b     ENET    storage            100  enabled   online       30
  1. Replace the storage RCF on shared switch A with the shared RCF file. See Install the RCF on a Cisco Nexus 9336C-FX2 shared switch for further details.

  2. Verify the storage attached to HA pair 1, storage switch A is healthy:

    system health alert show -instance

    Show example
    storage::*> system health alert show -instance
    There are no entries matching your query.
  1. Move the HA pair 1, NSM224 path B cables from storage switch B to the shared NS224 storage ports for HA pair 1, path B to storage switch B.

  2. Move the cable from HA pair 1, node A, path B to the shared storage port for HA pair 1, node A, path B on storage switch B.

  3. Move the cable from HA pair 1, node B, path B to the shared storage port for HA pair 1, node B, path B on storage switch B.

  4. Verify the storage attached to HA pair 1, storage switch B is healthy:

    system health alert show -instance

    Show example
    storage::*> system health alert show -instance
    There are no entries matching your query.
  1. Replace the storage RCF file on shared switch B with the shared RCF file. See Install the RCF on a Cisco Nexus 9336C-FX2 shared switch for further details.

  2. Verify the storage attached to HA pair 1, storage switch B is healthy:

    system health alert show -instance

    Show example
    storage::*> system health alert show -instance
    There are no entries matching your query.
  1. Verify the storage configuration of HA pair 1 is correct and error free:

    system switch ethernet show

    Show example
    storage::*> system switch ethernet show
    Switch                    Type                 Address          Model
    ------------------------- -------------------- ---------------- ----------
                              storage-network     C9336C
        Serial Number: FOC221206C2
         Is Monitored: true
               Reason: None
     Software Version: Cisco Nexus Operating System (NX-OS) Software, Version
       Version Source: CDP
                              storage-network     C9336C
        Serial Number: FOC220443LZ
         Is Monitored: true
               Reason: None
     Software Version: Cisco Nexus Operating System (NX-OS) Software, Version
       Version Source: CDP
    2 entries were displayed.
  1. Install the ISLs between shared switch A and shared switch B:

    Show example
    sh1# configure
    Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
    sh1 (config)# interface e1/35-36*
    sh1 (config-if-range)# no lldp transmit
    sh1 (config-if-range)# no lldp receive
    sh1 (config-if-range)# switchport mode trunk
    sh1 (config-if-range)# no spanning-tree bpduguard enable
    sh1 (config-if-range)# channel-group 101 mode active
    sh1 (config-if-range)# exit
    sh1 (config)# interface port-channel 101
    sh1 (config-if)# switchport mode trunk
    sh1 (config-if)# spanning-tree port type network
    sh1 (config-if)# exit
    sh1 (config)# exit
  1. Migrate the cluster networking from the existing cluster switches to the shared switches using the switch replacement procedure and the shared RCF. The new shared switch A is "cs1". The new shared switch B is "cs2". See Replace a Cisco Nexus 9336C-FX2 shared switch and Install the RCF on a Cisco Nexus 9336C-FX2 shared switch for further details.

  2. Verify that the switched networking config is valid:

    network port show

  3. Remove the unused cluster switches.

  4. Remove the unused storage switches.