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Set the FC or UTA/UTA2 configuration on node3

Contributors netapp-aoife netapp-pcarriga

If node3 has onboard FC ports, onboard unified target adapter (UTA/UTA2) ports, or a UTA/UTA2 card, you must configure the settings before completing the rest of the procedure.

About this task

You might need to complete the section Configure FC ports on node3, the section Check and configure UTA/UTA2 ports on node3, or both sections.

Note NetApp marketing materials might use the term UTA2 to refer to converged network adapter (CNA) adapters and ports. However, the CLI uses the term CNA.
  • If node3 does not have onboard FC ports, onboard UTA/UTA2 ports, or a UTA/UTA2 card, and you are upgrading a system with storage disks, you can skip to the Verify the node3 installation section.

  • However, if you have a V-Series system or a system with FlexArray Virtualization software with storage arrays, and node3 does not have onboard FC ports, onboard UTA/UTA ports, or a UTA/UTA2 card, return to the section Install and boot node3 and resume the section at Step 23.

Configure FC ports on node3

If node3 has FC ports, either onboard or on an FC adapter, you must set port configurations on the node before you bring it into service because the ports are not preconfigured. If the ports are not configured, you might experience a disruption in service.

Before you begin

You must have the values of the FC port settings from node1 that you saved in the section Prepare the nodes for upgrade.

About this task

You can skip this section if your system does not have FC configurations. If your system has onboard UTA/UTA2 ports or a UTA/UTA2 card, you configure them in Check and configure UTA/UTA2 ports on node3.

Important If your system has storage disks, enter the commands in this section at the cluster prompt. If you have a 'V-Series system' or have FlexArray Virtualization Software and are connected to storage arrays, enter commands in this section in Maintenance mode.
  1. Compare the FC settings on node3 with the settings that you captured earlier from node1.

  2. Take one of the following actions:

    If the system that you are upgrading…​ Then…

    Has storage disks

    In maintenance mode (option 5 at boot menu), modify the FC ports on node3 as needed:

    • To program target ports:

    ucadmin modify -m fc -t target adapter

    • To program initiator ports:

    ucadmin modify -m fc -t initiator adapter

    -t is the FC4 type: target or initiator.

    Is a V-Series system or has FlexArray Virtualization Software and is connected to storage arrays

    In maintenance mode (option 5 at boot menu), modify the FC ports on node3 as needed:

    ucadmin modify -m fc -t initiator -f adapter_port_name

    -t is the FC4 type, target or initiator.

    Note The FC ports must be programmed as initiators.
  3. Take one of the following actions:

    If the system that you are upgrading…​ Then…

    Has storage disks

    Verify the new settings by using the following command and examining the output:

    ucadmin show

    Is a V-Series system or has FlexArray Virtualization Software and is connected to storage arrays

    Verify the new settings by using the following command and examining the output:

    ucadmin show

  4. Exit Maintenance mode:


  5. Boot the system from LOADER prompt:

    boot_ontap menu

  6. After you enter the command, wait until the system stops at the boot environment prompt.

  7. Select option 5 from the boot menu for maintenance mode.

  1. Take one of the following actions:

    If the system that you are upgrading…​ Then…

    Has storage disks

    Is a V-Series system or has FlexArray Virtualization Software and is connected to storage arrays

Check and configure UTA/UTA2 ports on node3

If node3 has onboard UTA/UTA2 ports or a UTA/UTA2 card, you must check the configuration of the ports and possibly reconfigure them, depending on how you want to use the upgraded system.

Before you begin

You must have the correct SFP+ modules for the UTA/UTA2 ports.

About this task

If you want to use a Unified Target Adapter (UTA/UTA2) port for FC, you must first verify how the port is configured.

Note NetApp marketing materials might use the term UTA2 to refer to CNA adapters and ports. However, the CLI uses the term CNA.

You can use the ucadmin show command to verify the current port configuration:

*> ucadmin show
         Current  Current    Pending   Pending      Admin
Adapter  Mode     Type       Mode      Type         Status
-------  -------  -------    --------  ----------   --------
0e      fc        target     -         initiator    offline
0f      fc        target     -         initiator    offline
0g      fc        target     -         initiator    offline
0h      fc        target     -         initiator    offline
1a      fc        target     -         -            online
1b      fc        target     -         -            online
6 entries were displayed.

UTA/UTA2 ports can be configured into native FC mode or UTA/UTA2 mode. FC mode supports FC initiator and FC target; UTA/UTA2 mode allows concurrent NIC and FCoE traffic sharing the same 10GbE SFP+ interface and supports FC targets.

UTA/UTA2 ports might be found on an adapter or on the controller, and have the following configurations, but you should check the configuration of the UTA/UTA2 ports on the node3 and change it, if necessary:

  • UTA/UTA2 cards ordered when the controller is ordered are configured before shipment to have the personality you request.

  • UTA/UTA2 cards ordered separately from the controller are shipped with the default FC target personality.

  • Onboard UTA/UTA2 ports on new controllers are configured before shipment to have the personality you request.

    Warning Attention: If your system has storage disks, you enter the commands in this section at the cluster prompt unless directed to enter Maintenance mode. If you have a V- Series system or have FlexArray Virtualization Software and are connected to storage arrays, you enter commands in this section at the Maintenance mode prompt. You must be in Maintenance mode to configure UTA/UTA2 ports.
  1. Check how the ports are currently configured by entering the following command on node3:

    If the system…​ Then…

    Has storage disks

    No action required.

    Is a V-Series system or has FlexArray Virtualization Software and is connected to storage arrays

    ucadmin show

    The system displays output similar to the following example:

    *> ucadmin show
             Current  Current     Pending   Pending    Admin
    Adapter  Mode     Type        Mode      Type       Status
    -------  -------  ---------   -------   --------   ---------
    0e      fc        initiator   -         -          online
    0f      fc        initiator   -         -          online
    0g      cna       target      -         -          online
    0h      cna       target      -         -          online
    0e      fc        initiator   -         -          online
    0f      fc        initiator   -         -          online
    0g      cna       target      -         -          online
    0h      cna       target      -         -          online
  2. If the current SFP+ module does not match the desired use, replace it with the correct SFP+ module.

    Contact your NetApp representative to obtain the correct SFP+ module.

  3. Examine the output of the ucadmin show command and determine whether the UTA/UTA2 ports have the personality you want.

  4. Take one of the following actions:

    If the UTA/UTA2 ports…​ Then…

    Do not have the personality that you want

    Go to Step 5.

    Have the personality that you want

    Skip Step 5 through Step 12 and go to Step 13.

  5. Take one of the following actions:

    If you are configuring…​ Then…

    Ports on a UTA/UTA2 card

    Go to Step 7

    Onboard UTA/UTA2 ports

    Skip Step 7 and go to Step 8.

  6. If the adapter is in initiator mode, and if the UTA/UTA2 port is online, take the UTA/UTA2 port offline:

    storage disable adapter adapter_name

    Adapters in target mode are automatically offline in Maintenance mode.

  7. If the current configuration does not match the desired use, change the configuration as needed:

    ucadmin modify -m fc|cna -t initiator|target adapter_name

    • -m is the personality mode, fc or cna.

    • -t is the FC4 type, target or initiator.

      Note You must use FC initiator for tape drives, FlexArray Virtualization systems, and MetroCluster configurations. You must use the FC target for SAN clients.
  8. Verify the settings:

    ucadmin show

  9. Verify the settings:

    If the system…​ Then…

    Has storage disks

    ucadmin show

    Is a V-Series system or has FlexArray Virtualization Software and is connected to storage arrays

    ucadmin show

    The output in the following examples shows that the FC4 type of adapter "1b" is changing to initiator and that the mode of adapters "2a" and "2b" is changing to cna:

    *> ucadmin show
             Current    Current     Pending  Pending     Admin
    Adapter  Mode       Type        Mode     Type        Status
    -------  --------   ----------  -------  --------    --------
    1a       fc         initiator   -        -           online
    1b       fc         target      -        initiator   online
    2a       fc         target      cna      -           online
    2b       fc         target      cna      -           online
  10. Place any target ports online by entering one of the following commands, once for each port:

    If the system…​ Then…

    Has storage disks

    network fcp adapter modify -node node_name -adapter adapter_name -state up

    Is a V-Series system or has FlexArray Virtualization Software and is connected to storage arrays

    fcp config adapter_name up

  11. Cable the port.

  1. Take one of the following actions:

    If the system…​ Then…

    Has storage disks

    Go to Verify the node3 installation.

    Is a V-Series system or has FlexArray Virtualization Software and is connected to storage arrays

    Return to the section Install and boot node3, and resume at Step 23.

  2. Exit maintenance mode:


  3. Boot node into boot menu by running boot_ontap menu. If you are upgrading to an A800, go to Step 23.

  1. On node3, go to the boot menu and using 22/7, select the hidden option boot_after_controller_replacement. At the prompt, enter node1 to reassign the disks of node1 to node3, as per the following example.

    Expand the console output example
    LOADER-A> boot_ontap menu
    <output truncated>
    All rights reserved.
    *                             *
    * Press Ctrl-C for Boot Menu. *
    *                             *
    <output truncated>
    Please choose one of the following:
    (1)  Normal Boot.
    (2)  Boot without /etc/rc.
    (3)  Change password.
    (4)  Clean configuration and initialize all disks.
    (5)  Maintenance mode boot.
    (6)  Update flash from backup config.
    (7)  Install new software first.
    (8)  Reboot node.
    (9)  Configure Advanced Drive Partitioning.
    (10) Set Onboard Key Manager recovery secrets.
    (11) Configure node for external key management.
    Selection (1-11)? 22/7
    (22/7) Print this secret List
    (25/6) Force boot with multiple filesystem disks missing.
    (25/7) Boot w/ disk labels forced to clean.
    (29/7) Bypass media errors.
    (44/4a) Zero disks if needed and create new flexible root volume.
    (44/7) Assign all disks, Initialize all disks as SPARE, write DDR labels
    <output truncated>
    (wipeconfig)                        Clean all configuration on boot device
    (boot_after_controller_replacement) Boot after controller upgrade
    (boot_after_mcc_transition)         Boot after MCC transition
    (9a)                                Unpartition all disks and remove their ownership information.
    (9b)                                Clean configuration and initialize node with partitioned disks.
    (9c)                                Clean configuration and initialize node with whole disks.
    (9d)                                Reboot the node.
    (9e)                                Return to main boot menu.
    The boot device has changed. System configuration information could be lost. Use option (6) to restore the system configuration, or option (4) to initialize all disks and setup a new system.
    Normal Boot is prohibited.
    Please choose one of the following:
    (1)  Normal Boot.
    (2)  Boot without /etc/rc.
    (3)  Change password.
    (4)  Clean configuration and initialize all disks.
    (5)  Maintenance mode boot.
    (6)  Update flash from backup config.
    (7)  Install new software first.
    (8)  Reboot node.
    (9)  Configure Advanced Drive Partitioning.
    (10) Set Onboard Key Manager recovery secrets.
    (11) Configure node for external key management.
    Selection (1-11)? boot_after_controller_replacement
    This will replace all flash-based configuration with the last backup to disks. Are you sure you want to continue?: yes
    <output truncated>
    Controller Replacement: Provide name of the node you would like to replace:<nodename of the node being replaced>
    Changing sysid of node node1 disks.
    Fetched sanown old_owner_sysid = 536940063 and calculated old sys id = 536940063
    Partner sysid = 4294967295, owner sysid = 536940063
    <output truncated>
    varfs_backup_restore: restore using /mroot/etc/varfs.tgz
    varfs_backup_restore: attempting to restore /var/kmip to the boot device
    varfs_backup_restore: failed to restore /var/kmip to the boot device
    varfs_backup_restore: attempting to restore env file to the boot device
    varfs_backup_restore: successfully restored env file to the boot device wrote key file "/tmp/rndc.key"
    varfs_backup_restore: timeout waiting for login
    varfs_backup_restore: Rebooting to load the new varfs
    <node reboots>
    System rebooting...
    Restoring env file from boot media...
    copy_env_file:scenario = head upgrade
    Successfully restored env file from boot media...
    Rebooting to load the restored env file...
    System rebooting...
    <output truncated>
    WARNING: System ID mismatch. This usually occurs when replacing a boot device or NVRAM cards!
    Override system ID? {y|n} y
    Note In the above console output example, ONTAP will prompt you for the partner node name if the system uses Advanced Disk Partitioning (ADP) disks.
  2. If the system goes into a reboot loop with the message no disks found, it indicates that the system has reset the FC or UTA/UTA2 ports back to the target mode and therefore is unable to see any disks. To resolve this continue with Step 17 to Step 22, or go to section Verify the node3 installation.

  3. Press Ctrl-C during AUTOBOOT to stop the node at the LOADER> prompt.

  4. At the LOADER prompt, enter maintenance mode:

    boot_ontap maint

  5. In maintenance mode, display all the previously set initiator ports that are now in target mode:

    ucadmin show

    Change the ports back to initiator mode:

    ucadmin modify -m fc -t initiator -f adapter name

  6. Verify that the ports have been changed to initiator mode:

    ucadmin show

  7. Exit maintenance mode:



    If you are upgrading from a system that supports external disks to a system that also supports external disks, go to Step 22.

    If you are upgrading from a system that supports external disks to a system that supports both internal and external disks, for example, an AFF A800 system, go to Step 23.

  8. At the LOADER prompt, boot up:

    boot_ontap menu

    Now, on booting, the node can detect all the disks that were previously assigned to it and can boot up as expected.

    When the cluster nodes you are replacing use root volume encryption, ONTAP is unable to read the volume information from the disks. Restore the keys for the root volume.

    Note This only applies when the root volume is using NetApp Volume Encryption.
    1. Return to the special boot menu:

      LOADER> boot_ontap menu

      Please choose one of the following:
      (1) Normal Boot.
      (2) Boot without /etc/rc.
      (3) Change password.
      (4) Clean configuration and initialize all disks.
      (5) Maintenance mode boot.
      (6) Update flash from backup config.
      (7) Install new software first.
      (8) Reboot node.
      (9) Configure Advanced Drive Partitioning.
      (10) Set Onboard Key Manager recovery secrets.
      (11) Configure node for external key management.
      Selection (1-11)? 10
    2. Select (10) Set Onboard Key Manager recovery secrets

    3. Enter y at the following prompt:

      This option must be used only in disaster recovery procedures. Are you sure? (y or n): y

    4. At the prompt, enter the key-manager passphrase.

    5. Enter the backup data when prompted.

      Note You must have obtained the passphrase and backup data in the Prepare the nodes for upgrade section of this procedure.
    6. After the system boots to the special boot menu again, run option (1) Normal Boot

      Note You might encounter an error at this stage. If an error occurs, repeat the substeps in Step 22 until the system boots normally.
  9. If you are upgrading from a system with external disks to a system that supports internal and external disks (AFF A800 systems, for example), set the node1 aggregate as the root aggregate to confirm that node3 boots from the root aggregate of node1. To set the root aggregate, go to the boot menu and select option 5 to enter maintenance mode.

    Caution You must perform the following substeps in the exact order shown; failure to do so might cause an outage or even data loss.

    The following procedure sets node3 to boot from the root aggregate of node1:

    1. Enter maintenance mode:

      boot_ontap maint

    2. Check the RAID, plex, and checksum information for the node1 aggregate:

      aggr status -r

    3. Check the status of the node1 aggregate:

      aggr status

    4. If necessary, bring the node1 aggregate online:

      aggr_online root_aggr_from_node1

    5. Prevent the node3 from booting from its original root aggregate:

      aggr offline root_aggr_on_node3

    6. Set the node1 root aggregate as the new root aggregate for node3:

      aggr options aggr_from_node1 root

    7. Verify that the root aggregate of node3 is offline and the root aggregate for the disks brought over from node1 is online and set to root:

      aggr status

      Note Failing to perform the previous substep might cause node3 to boot from the internal root aggregate, or it might cause the system to assume a new cluster configuration exists or prompt you to identify one.

      The following shows an example of the command output:

       Aggr                 State    Status             Options
       aggr0_nst_fas8080_15 online   raid_dp, aggr      root, nosnap=on
                                     fast zeroed
       aggr0                offline  raid_dp, aggr      diskroot
                                     fast zeroed