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Verify the node4 installation

Contributors netapp-aoife netapp-pcarriga

After you install and boot node4, you must verify that it is installed correctly, that it is part of the cluster, and that it can communicate with node3.

  1. At the system prompt, log in to node4.

  2. Verify that node4 is both part of the same cluster as node3 and healthy:

    cluster show

  3. Verify that node4 can communicate with node3 and that all LIFs are up:

    network interface show -curr-node node4

  4. Take one of the following actions:

    If node4 is…​ Then…​

    In a chassis separate from node3

    Connect the HA interconnect between the nodes by completing the following steps:

    1. Connect the top interconnect port of node3 to the top interconnect port of node4.

    2. Connect the bottom interconnect port of node3 to the bottom interconnect port of node4.

    3. Go to Step 5.

    In the same chassis as node3

    Go to Step 5.
    You do not need to manually connect the HA interconnect between the nodes; in same-chassis configurations, the HA interconnect is connected automatically through the backplane.

  5. Take one of the following actions:

    If the cluster is…​ Then…​

    In a SAN environment

    Complete Step 6 and go to the section Move NAS data LIFs owned by node2 from node3 to node4 and verify SAN LIFs on node4.

    Not in a SAN environment

    Skip Step 6 go to the section Move NAS data LIFs owned by node2 from node3 to node4 and verify SAN LIFs on node4.

  6. Verify that both node3 and node4 are in quorum by entering the following command on one of the nodes:

    event log show -messagename scsiblade.*

    The following example shows the output when the nodes in the cluster are in quorum:

    cluster::> event log show -messagename scsiblade.*
    Time                Node   Severity      Event
    ------------------- ------ ------------- --------------------------
    8/13/2012 14:03:51  node1  INFORMATIONAL The scsi-blade ...
    8/13/2012 14:03:51  node2  INFORMATIONAL The scsi-blade ...
    8/13/2012 14:03:48  node3  INFORMATIONAL The scsi-blade ...
    8/13/2012 14:03:43  node4  INFORMATIONAL The scsi-blade ...