Generate a certificate signing request for the cluster
You can use the security certificate generate-csr
command to generate a certificate signing request (CSR). After processing your request, the certificate authority (CA) sends you the signed digital certificate.
You must be a cluster administrator or SVM administrator to perform this task.
Generate a CSR:
security certificate generate-csr -common-name FQDN_or_common_name -size 512|1024|1536|2048 -country country -state state -locality locality -organization organization -unit unit -email-addr email_of_contact -hash-function SHA1|SHA256|MD5
For complete command syntax, see the man pages.
The following command creates a CSR with a 2,048-bit private key generated by the SHA256 hashing function for use by the Software group in the IT department of a company whose custom common name is, located in Sunnyvale, California, USA. The email address of the SVM contact administrator is The system displays the CSR and the private key in the output.
cluster1::>security certificate generate-csr -common-name -size 2048 -country US -state California - locality Sunnyvale -organization IT -unit Software -email-addr -hash-function SHA256 Certificate Signing Request : -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE REQUEST----- MIIBGjCBxQIBADBgMRQwEgYDVQQDEwtleGFtcGxlLmNvbTELMAkGA1UEBhMCVVMx CTAHBgNVBAgTADEJMAcGA1UEBxMAMQkwBwYDVQQKEwAxCTAHBgNVBAsTADEPMA0G CSqGSIb3DQEJARYAMFwwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEBBQADSwAwSAJBAPXFanNoJApT1nzS xOcxixqImRRGZCR7tVmTYyqPSuTvfhVtwDJbmXuj6U3a1woUsb13wfEvQnHVFNci 2ninsJ8CAwEAAaAAMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBCwUAA0EA6EagLfso5+4g+ejiRKKTUPQO UqOUEoKuvxhOvPC2w7b//fNSFsFHvXloqEOhYECn/NX9h8mbphCoM5YZ4OfnKw== -----END CERTIFICATE REQUEST----- Private Key : 24 | Administrator Authentication and RBAC -----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY----- MIIBOwIBAAJBAPXFanNoJApT1nzSxOcxixqImRRGZCR7tVmTYyqPSuTvfhVtwDJb mXuj6U3a1woUsb13wfEvQnHVFNci2ninsJ8CAwEAAQJAWt2AO+bW3FKezEuIrQlu KoMyRYK455wtMk8BrOyJfhYsB20B28eifjJvRWdTOBEav99M7cEzgPv+p5kaZTTM gQIhAPsp+j1hrUXSRj979LIJJY0sNez397i7ViFXWQScx/ehAiEA+oDbOooWlVvu xj4aitxVBu6ByVckYU8LbsfeRNsZwD8CIQCbZ1/ENvmlJ/P7N9Exj2NCtEYxd0Q5 cwBZ5NfZeMBpwQIhAPk0KWQSLadGfsKO077itF+h9FGFNHbtuNTrVq4vPW3nAiAA peMBQgEv28y2r8D4dkYzxcXmjzJluUSZSZ9c/wS6fA== -----END RSA PRIVATE KEY----- Note: Please keep a copy of your certificate request and private key for future reference.
Copy the certificate request from the CSR output, and then send it in electronic form (such as email) to a trusted third-party CA for signing.
After processing your request, the CA sends you the signed digital certificate. You should keep a copy of the private key and the CA-signed digital certificate.