security certificate generate-csr
Generate a Digital Certificate Signing Request
Availability: This command is available to cluster and Vserver administrators at the admin privilege level.
This command generates a digital certificate signing request and displays it on the console. A certificate signing request (CSR or certification request) is a message sent to a certificate authority (CA) to apply for a digital identity certificate.
[-common-name <text>]
- FQDN or Custom Common Name-
This specifies the desired certificate name as a fully qualified domain name (FQDN) or custom common name or the name of a person. The supported characters, which are a subset of the ASCII character set, are as follows:
Letters a through z, A through Z
Numbers 0 through 9
Asterisk (*), period (.), underscore (_) and hyphen (-)
The common name must not start or end with a "-" or a ".". The maximum length is 253 characters.
- {
[-size <size of requested certificate in bits>]
- (DEPRECATED)-Size of Requested Certificate in Bits -
This specifies the number of bits in the private key. A larger size value provides for a more secure key. The default is 2048. Possible values include
, and2048
.This parameter has been deprecated in ONTAP 9.8 and may be removed in future releases of Data ONTAP. Use the security-strength parameter instead. - |
[-security-strength <bits of security strength>]
- Security Strength in Bits } -
Use this parameter to specify the minimum security strength of the certificate in bits. The security bits mapping to RSA and ECDSA key length, in bits, are as follows:
Size RSA Key Length Elliptic Curve Key Length 112 2048 224 128 3072 256 192 4096 384
Note: FIPS supported values are restricted to 112 and 128. For ECDSA, TLSv1.3 requires key length of 256 or greater.
[-algorithm <Asymmetric key generation algorithm>]
- Asymmetric Encryption Algorithm-
Use this parameter to specify the asymmetric encryption algoithm to use for generating the public/private key for the certificate signing request. Algorithm values can be RSA or EC. Default value is RSA.
[-country <text>]
- Country Name-
This specifies the country where the Vserver resides. The country name is a two-letter code. The default is US. Here is the list of country codes:
Country Codes [-state <text>]
- State or Province Name-
This specifies the state or province where the Vserver resides.
[-locality <text>]
- Locality Name-
This specifies the locality where the Vserver resides. For example, the name of a city.
[-organization <text>]
- Organization Name-
This specifies the organization where the Vserver resides. For example, the name of a company.
[-unit <text>]
- Organization Unit-
This specifies the unit where the Vserver resides. For example, the name of a section or a department within a company.
[-email-addr <mail address>]
- Contact Administrator's Email Address-
This specifies the email address of the contact administrator for the Vserver.
[-hash-function <hashing function>]
- Hashing Function-
This specifies the cryptographic hashing function for signing the certificate. The default is SHA256. Possible values include
, andSHA512
. [-key-usage <Certificate key usage extension>,…]
- Key Usage Extension-
Use this parameter to specify the key usage extension values. The default values are:
. Possible values include:-
[-extended-key-usage <Certificate extKeyUsage extension>,…]
- Extended Key Usage Extension-
Use this parameter to specify the extended key usage extension values. The default values are:
. Possible values include:-
[-rfc822-name <mail address>,…]
- Email Address SAN-
Use this parameter to specify the Subject Alternate Name extension - a list of rfc822-names (email addresses).
[-uri <text>,…]
Use this parameter to specify the Subject Alternate Name extension - a list of URIs.
[-dns-name <text>,…]
- DNS Name SAN-
Use this parameter to specify the Subject Alternate Name extension - a list of DNS names.
[-ipaddr <IP Address>,…]
- IP Address SAN-
Use this parameter to specify the Subject Alternate Name extension - a list of IP addresses.
This example creates a certificate-signing request with a 2048-bit RSA private key generated by the SHA256 hashing function for use by the Engineering group in IT at a company whose custom common name is
, located in Durham, NC, USA. The email address of the contact administrator who manages the Vserver is
The request also specifies the subject alternative names, key-usage and extended-key-usage extensions.
cluster-1::> security certificate generate-csr -common-name -algorithm RSA -hash-function SHA256 -security-strength 128 -key-usage critical,digitalSignature,keyEncipherment -extended-key-usage serverAuth,clientAuth -country US -state NC -locality Durham -organization IT -unit Engineering -email-addr -rfc822-name -dns-name , Certificate Signing Request : -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE REQUEST----- MIIEWDCCAsACAQAwgYgxGDAWBgNVBAMTD3d3dy5leGFtcGxlLmNvbTELMAkGA1UE BhMCVVMxCzAJBgNVBAgTAk5DMQ8wDQYDVQQHEwZEdXJoYW0xCzAJBgNVBAoTAklU MRQwEgYDVQQLEwtFbmdpbmVlcmluZzEeMBwGCSqGSIb3DQEJARYPd2ViQGV4YW1w bGUuY29tMIIBojANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAY8AMIIBigKCAYEAuo86Jg/szhws ykYiEXvRaf/j2jJArJMoZby9Z/yINsowe30Xbn5wnfvwiwICUCPwD1e3jhK3TrWH rNRn/+MqE+jQA7yAdufYxD537cDcT46ihkajISe0Ei93yf6IKmvUAvmJvQ3R7Z4E QCOWHj56yQ+LXj36bYdwa74S8u8lpCs3Ywx8fgrh/v6H0rnlKDQSQuFR35u7ZZym tRA7EJMY62f9ALgcFNhQPuP6pjc8aP7Tv7BKXAninryDDcoMdW8UczfTPgzCDh5z S++eNP3s/7cGfRSQ8aXnDTVQLYpusrdDgVwZXXgu+ZPoZuCf2AYBT+/rdq3VkgWu QM+mGRMB53O0ff4QOi+SVcXSWXq32wzciv1KsW/iB9h2T+kVd/8Z7ESeYLqFxhY+ 0nwacskMRGxOuTLgx+XH+/EntjrI4rjF9/ShYCIcy8vqp1OxFaPClu96ebnbiEOu y6RvCJ2egcM6OeRbHWB5fIJ0ZZ3crdjz/d1z4ktBuG7E4cUYkEvvAgMBAAGggYkw gYYGCSqGSIb3DQEJDjF5MHcwRgYDVR0RAQH/BDwwOoETZXhhbXBsZUBleGFtcGxl LmNvbYIQc2hvcC5leGFtcGxlLmNvbYIRc3RvcmUuZXhhbXBsZS5jb20wDgYDVR0P AQH/BAQDAgWgMB0GA1UdJQQWMBQGCCsGAQUFBwMCBggrBgEFBQcDATANBgkqhkiG 9w0BAQsFAAOCAYEAh0kOsRy5cCTnFRIWBhBrFFvQhpZIlsoeelNW6JlkE0/ULcAj JevBx8UibY48D2Wn0nEGle9T3ZeDlg+n66xr/OUfsrENm5ORy5Ndvubkkz0t4KF5 Z2SnwPVIcX2b6ID2xhFAny2S58Adwo7uTpLytidqFj026/KcuyVZUEF9HuJcQGE8 +LMfliCkm6rI2h1ncy2sV6vtDo9GlVscTYLghisHp1aTXVPrr6Q+1OM8lTot8i71 DmZ7kRyxCDlu20XxxV+p2cm4QQVHXbw0XrKAOL2jCBBiYOSWM/BvwWIliVGD6NLg WK7ZpyHSFjDH0pUlqJCIs079W6JDhiYvtB2xizqmg8oyABUESMUckHGeymr92mcO JbSyeTE66Pek+Gwia6ZMG7jcznfSr31+7dShLix9kjGsKUffHTiZVySaYjny/+Aq Seg3Fpusq25ki9D/NMnbifXraL+LbX/WNLS3nA79rp3+VcOoGBponT4i1fsxn+Bv 5RTT3nhT8BlcTe1d -----END CERTIFICATE REQUEST----- Private Key : -----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY----- MIIG/AIBADANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAASCBuYwggbiAgEAAoIBgQC6jzomD+zOHCzK RiIRe9Fp/+PaMkCskyhlvL1n/Ig2yjB7fRdufnCd+/CLAgJQI/APV7eOErdOtYes 1Gf/4yoT6NADvIB259jEPnftwNxPjqKGRqMhJ7QSL3fJ/ogqa9QC+Ym9DdHtngRA I5YePnrJD4tePfpth3BrvhLy7yWkKzdjDHx+CuH+/ofSueUoNBJC4VHfm7tlnKa1 EDsQkxjrZ/0AuBwU2FA+4/qmNzxo/tO/sEpcCeKevIMNygx1bxRzN9M+DMIOHnNL 7540/ez/twZ9FJDxpecNNVAtim6yt0OBXBldeC75k+hm4J/YBgFP7+t2rdWSBa5A z6YZEwHnc7R9/hA6L5JVxdJZerfbDNyK/Uqxb+IH2HZP6RV3/xnsRJ5guoXGFj7S fBpyyQxEbE65MuDH5cf78Se2OsjiuMX39KFgIhzLy+qnU7EVo8KW73p5uduIQ67L pG8InZ6Bwzo55FsdYHl8gnRlndyt2PP93XPiS0G4bsThxRiQS+8CAwEAAQKCAYBW fqtWFFIVaWi2y3dmJcL840AP3PaxTHURXkVund3FkU6TIncnqoWqKbHnsSHDaDYX 1vJqc3D7lBx4W+5v7DGJE4rGALKK7olIyzGtUJqUZCwkF0Hw0EijmdBvHYyiJmYg jvN2bJ7lDTspRZaHJS6mY4eZRSEDgST1PyXn7krEZ6kBSju58G/BWt88KyX80s+Y pIDiLIDg5pVAI2tPDvQhyI+7sqCKZZQm5GpEgB2JDIS+PgzryUWBlSMp1ICcPcgx rarFZQi1Ne7qrp6FfKvPAO5XLyI0xhgm8fCMJUpxmEb80XY4FeRDzB42a0Z/YL0P HhpWAI4ZRsDyDd5S7jwLZQ3Hl9WsKvj2/FRU6hWTP+maH/Vel35iLkygfZWUAjNY F6B0SoBBd9bVeKDODXrD/CwVbuaKZGMaVOenZbczmFUVSi4HZGyqVRxX6WIxVoD0 MZXwWUoWZ32C6II3vp/ReAsouhCnKDKhqfrvH58xF82FTMMXBZ/kDy7k5IySylkC gcEA4tpiV1eKzC/ft0sPUNmZB/snHfXC+xohzTygCg4L1Rf8zjDnUT/o9D8SRe1/ crkG7ZcjKvIdPz0tatyjyNMsZ9TDISiAJQJ8Et1+jBP0uy2qG+ab+Ub761BR5TX0 O78UcmtEyxaaDZsESWj+qYerG4E7zGZiTscTe2Jma5fPlS1ekyfNzk1GBtya9bIM r991o/PahSmCz5iPxf4avYM/vQm2p+wIk+o6ZhJIAUlRFrCv8y9lYivQjw+tZA+G bdE7AoHBANKHg0Jb5BLJmN/5/PLkkELhaZG+UNUngtm46dm/84+sqtdTcUHpqdHv M/skRYDVERmI50QZ2HmzVC8J+zzs9r01VNNA+Tzcoi3eB3FPdDYPTDtLSzRfsC82 kix8d2uVs+rfmvKwT0XucNvMQjUyYDII7IJln1iIJp2XQZaNleqgyi65kni+6FrQ EJ9gVD4PtCkX7rKo8csMITe6n+HZIzFpOY6BX0HU/4VGa+RQHGfGIdfKDOJ5AtyG RPYVvZ1E3QKBwE520sT7FpsBhBPV9no0iWXlTOZj9wj7RO3EJmbT7OvL3DlFWP0V afHxTtS5DPgVX3wWZqeYDt2sv2TS5CO2Rwmy4bs6Uvh6H4g27GpvDJshdFEqNpDG KKR/p5PsUYnI0b2xtJ26N5a1I4pwsoTY1CozTQep8h7lZKusoVhdrgMfKjMj9V+C AtKkw0RwTUsXs4z973tXnFNJpZEKDx21o/oyvebfESh4P7LGZ/lp7o42luU6Y4rN NNoGxiZx6EFbuQKBwGbMltJTTmXCHKzZQ6NS6gJOUR9CX/QFLAamHUIfUY3JUU59 RyNZNnv1IluyVWHYKFZgnBSLzkF2yFeDtzMDvmObZAUXh9wpG+Prs5SnqGYxSBb3 6Av14XDcY7nnOOTGn6jDcMSqRLsv99nLvlR9ea1U4C+38XvoV3rB/dvG3PpJcxAn uxbMmWamjEdWYSxAvMcIEZ0Zk5+DF8E/loxQW7fn2pv0HhBmMjLgtRQx7fzaKXJW Db6UOkp2IbxL11+w3QKBwDloDgwB7ukGyFHf3RKy3YX0en1WGBesXONf1m2fjwOU nojccfaGwAUdb6m60JuZFhJ3qZ4ecoloY4GxIKV5krvBg1buow/aqDDkKmVVYNO6 FUuXp+BbTBSxjfftSaog7y5Db5aecLXU5FLE+sVlrhp17s9h8Ur+O04SytSVh9JS SkzHYv+4GybZqmOeF2U+whib8JXD2bJkSfNI1dZZhKVqoTUQfEAE3VFY0EHkVQwk rLHmjspsUjKc4BKfVRGWJg== -----END PRIVATE KEY----- Note: Keep a copy of your certificate request and private key for future reference.