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ONTAP 9.16.1 commands

vserver object-store-server bucket cors-rule create

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Create a Cross-Origin rule

Availability: This command is available to cluster and Vserver administrators at the admin privilege level.


The vserver object-store-server bucket cors-rule create command creates a cross-origin resource sharing (CORS) rule for the object store server bucket.


-vserver <Vserver Name> - Vserver Name

This parameter specifies the name of the Vserver hosting the object store server bucket for which the CORS rule will to be created.

-bucket <TextNoCase> - Object Store Server Bucket Name

This parameter specifies the name of the object store server bucket for which the CORS rule will to be created.

[-index <integer>] - Cross-Origin Access Rule Index

This parameter specifies the index of the object store server bucket CORS rule. This is an optional parameter. Its value is calculated automatically by the system, if not specified.

[-rule-id <text>] - Cross-Origin Access Rule ID

This parameter specifies the ID of the object store server bucket CORS rule.

-allowed-origins <text>,…​ - List of the Origins Allowed for Cross-Origin Requests

This parameter specifies a list of origins from where a cross-origin request is allowed to originate from for the object store bucket.

-allowed-methods <text>,…​ - List of HTTP Request Methods Allowed in Cross-Origin Requests

This parameter specifies a list of HTTP methods allowed in the cross-origin requests.

[-allowed-headers <text>,…​] - List of the Headers Allowed in Cross-Origin Requests

This parameter specifies a list of HTTP headers allowed in the cross-origin requests.

[-expose-headers <text>,…​] - Headers that Servers Allow Clients to Access

This parameter specifies a list of extra headers sent in the response that customers can access from their applications.

[-max-age-in-seconds <integer>] - How Long ( in Seconds ) the Results of a Cross-Origin Pre-Flight Request Can Be Cached?

This optional parameter specifies the time in seconds for your browser to cache the pre-flight response for the specified resource.


The following example creates an object store server bucket CORS rule for Vserver vs1 and bucket bb1.

cluster1::> vserver object-store-server bucket cors-rule create -vserver vs1 -bucket bb1 -allowed-origins -allowed-methods POST,DELETE -allowed-headers x-amz-request-id -max-age-in-seconds 2000 -expose-headers x-purpose -rule-id rule1