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system controller bootmedia show-serial-number

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Display the Boot Media Device serial number

Availability: This command is available to cluster administrators at the admin privilege level.


The system controller bootmedia show-serial-number command displays the Boot Media Device serial number. These commands are available for 80xx, 25xx and later systems. Earlier models are not supported. By default, the command displays the following information about the bootmedia:

  • Node

  • Display Name

  • Serial Number

  • Size

  • Bootmedia State

  • Status

To display more details, use the -instance parameter.


{ [-fields <fieldname>,…​]

Selects the fields that you specify.

| [-instance ] }

Displays detailed information for all the bootmedia devices.

[-node {<nodename>|local}] - Node

Selects the bootmedia device that is present on the specified node.

[-serial-num <text>] - Serial Number

Selects the bootmedia devices with the specified serial number.

[-vendor-id <Hex Integer>] - Vendor ID

Selects the bootmedia devices with the specified vendor ID.

[-device-id <Hex Integer>] - Device ID

Selects the bootmedia devices with the specified device ID.

[-display-name <text>] - Display Name

Selects the bootmedia devices with the specified display name.

[-unique-name <text>] - Unique Name

Selects the bootmedia device with the specified unique name.

[-monitor {node-connect|system-connect|system|controller|chassis|cluster-switch|example|ethernet-switch}] - Health Monitor Name

Selects the bootmedia devices with the specified health monitor.

[-usbmon-status {present|not-present}] - Bootmedia Health Monitor

Selects the bootmedia devices with the specified USBMON status.

[-device-state {good|warn|bad}] - Bootmedia State

Selects the bootmedia devices with the specified device state.

[-size <integer>] - Max Memory Size (MB)

Selects the bootmedia devices with the specified memory size.

[-health {ok|ok-with-suppressed|degraded|unreachable|unknown}] - Status

Selects the bootmedia devices with the specified health monitor status.

[-is-nvme {true|false}] - Is NVMe Boot Media

Selects the boot media technology. If the value is "true", the boot media uses NVMe technology.

[-nvme-percent-used <integer>] - NVMe Percentage Used

Selects the NVMe boot media with the specified percentage of rated life used by the solid-state device (SSD). When an SSD reaches 100% of rated life, it might not be able to retain data while powered off for long periods of time.

[-nvme-available-spare <integer>] - NVMe Available Spare

Selects the NVMe boot media with the specified percentage of available spare blocks. When all spare blocks are consumed on the SSD, i.e. when this parameter reaches 0%, the system can no longer write data to the solid-state device (SSD).

[-nvme-spare-threshold <integer>] - NVMe Spare Threshold

Selects the NVMe boot media with the specified "low spare blocks" threshold percentage. System health monitor alerts are generated when the available spare blocks on the SSD cross below this threshold.


The following example displays the information of the boot media present in all the nodes in a cluster:

cluster1::> system controller bootmedia show-serial-number

Node          Display Name         Serial Number          (MB) State     Status
------------- -------------------- ------------------- ------- --------- ------
              BootMedia/SAMSUNG    S2J4NXAGA08186       122104 good      ok
              BootMedia-2/SAMSUNG  S2J4NXAGA08198       122104 good      ok
2 entries were displayed.

The following example displays the detailed information about the boot media present in a node:

cluster1::> system controller bootmedia show-serial-number -instance -node node1
Node: node1
               Vendor ID: 8086
               Device ID: 8d02
            Display Name: TOSHIBA THNSNJ060GMCU
             Unique Name: /dev/ad4s1 (TOSHIBA THNSNJ060GMCU)
     Health Monitor Name: controller
Bootmedia Health Monitor: present
         Bootmedia State: good
  Max memory size(in MB): 16367
                  Status: ok
           Serial number: Y4IS104FTNEW
                 Is NVMe: true
    NVMe Percentage Used: 0
    NVMe Available Spare: 100
    NVMe Spare Threshole: 10