volume move show
Show status of a volume moving from one aggregate to another aggregate
Availability: This command is available to cluster administrators at the admin privilege level.
The volume move show
command displays information about volume moves in the cluster. By default, with no parameters, it only shows volume moves that have failed or are currently running. The command display output depends on the parameters passed. If -vserver
and -volume
are specified, the following information is displayed:
Vserver Name: The Vserver on which the volume is located.
Volume Name: The volume that is part of a completed or running volume move operation.
Actual Completion Time: The date and time in the cluster time zone when the volume move completed.
Bytes Remaining: The number of bytes remaining to be sent during volume move. This is an approximate number and lags the current status by a few minutes while the volume move is in operation.
Specified Action for Cutover: The action to be taken for cutover or during cutover failure. This is the input given during the start of volume move or the value specified during a volume move modification.
Specified Cutover Time Window: The time window in seconds given as an input for the cutover phase of volume move. This is the input given during the start of volume move or the value specified during a volume move modification.
Job ID: The Job-ID of move job.
Destination Node: The name of the node where the destination aggregate is present.
Source Node: The name of the node where the source aggregate is present.
Prior Issues Encountered: The latest issues or transient errors encountered causing the move operation to retry the data copy phase or the cutover phase.
Move Initiated by Auto Balance Aggregate: The value "true" indicates the move is initiated by Auto Balance Aggregate feature.
Destination Aggregate: The name of the aggregate to which the volume is moved.
Detailed Status: The detail about any warnings, errors, and state of the move operation.
Estimated Time of Completion: The approximate date and time in the cluster time zone when the entire volume move operation is expected to complete. Note that this time may keep increasing when the move goes into cutover-deferred mode. In those cases where the input for cutover-action is wait, during the data copy phase, the estimated time of completion will approximate the time to reach the cutover point and wait for user intervention.
Managing Node: The node in the cluster on which the move job is or was running. This is usually on the node hosting the volume to be moved.
Percentage Complete: The amount of work to move the volume completed thus far in terms of percentage.
Move Phase: The phase of the move operation.
Estimated Remaining Duration: The approximate amount of time in terms of days, hours, minutes and seconds remaining to complete the volume move.
Replication Throughput: The current replication throughput of the move operation in terms of Kb/s, Mb/s or Gb/s.
Duration of Move: The duration in days, hours and minutes for which the volume move was or is in progress.
Source Aggregate: The name of the aggregate where the volume being moved originally resides or resided.
Start Time of Move: The date and time in the cluster time zone when the volume move operation started.
Move State: The state of the volume move at the time of issuing the command and the system gathering up the information about the move.
Original Job ID: The job-id assigned when the job was first created. This value will only be populated when the original job-id differs from the current job-id.
- {
[-fields <fieldname>,…]
If you specify the
-fields <fieldname>, …
parameter, the command output also includes the specified field or fields. You can use '-fields ?' to display the fields to specify. - |
[-instance ]
} -
If you specify the
parameter, the command displays detailed information about all fields. [-vserver <vserver name>]
- Vserver Name-
This specifies the Vserver on which the volume is located. If this parameter and the
parameter are specified, the command displays detailed information about latest move performed on the specified volume. If this parameter is specified by itself, the command displays information about latest moves performed on volumes of the specified Vserver. [-volume <volume name>]
- Volume Name-
This specifies the volume that is part of a completed or running volume move operation. If this parameter and the
parameter are specified, the command displays detailed information about latest move performed on the specified volume. If this parameter is specified by itself, the command displays information about the latest move on all volumes matching the specified name. [-actual-completion-time <Date>]
- Actual Completion Time-
If this parameter is specified, the command displays move operations that match the specified date and time in the cluster time zone when the volume move completed.
[-bytes-remaining {<integer>[KB|MB|GB|TB|PB]}]
- Bytes Remaining-
If this parameter is specified, the command displays move operations that match the specified number of bytes remaining to be sent during volume move.
[-cutover-action {abort_on_failure|defer_on_failure|force|wait|retry_on_failure}]
- Specified Action For Cutover (privilege: advanced)-
If this parameter is specified, the command displays move operations that match the specified action to be taken for cutover or during cutover failure.
[-cutover-window <integer>]
- Specified Cutover Time Window (privilege: advanced)-
If this parameter is specified, the command displays move operations that match the specified time window in seconds for the cutover phase of volume move.
[-destination-aggregate <aggregate name>]
- Destination Aggregate-
If this parameter is specified, the command displays move operations that match the specified name of the aggregate to which the volume is being moved.
[-destination-node <nodename>]
- Destination Node (privilege: advanced)-
If this parameter is specified, the command displays move operations that match the specified name of the node where the destination aggregate is present.
[-details <text>]
- Detailed Status-
If this parameter is specified, the command displays move operations that match the specified detail about any warnings, errors and state of the move operation.
[-estimated-completion-time <Date>]
- Estimated Time of Completion-
If this parameter is specified, the command displays move operations that match the specified date and time in the cluster time zone when the entire volume move operation is expected to complete.
[-job-id <integer>]
- Job ID (privilege: advanced)-
If this parameter is specified, the command displays move operations that match the specified Job-ID of the move job.
[-managing-node <nodename>]
- Managing Node-
If this parameter is specified, the command displays move operations that match the specified node in the cluster on which the move job is or was running.
[-percent-complete <percent>]
- Percentage Complete-
If this parameter is specified, the command displays move operations that match the specified amount of work to move the volume completed thus far in terms of percentage.
[-phase {queued|initializing|replicating|cutover|cutover_hard_deferred|cutover_soft_deferred|aborting|completed|cleaning_up|failed|restarting|finishing}]
- Move Phase-
If this parameter is specified, the command displays move operations that match the specified phase of the move operation.
[-prior-issues <text>]
- Prior Issues Encountered (privilege: advanced)-
If this parameter is specified, the command displays move operations that match the specified issues or transient errors encountered causing the move operation to retry the data copy phase or the cutover phase.
[-estimated-remaining-duration {<seconds>|[<d> days] <hh>:<mm>[:<ss>]}]
- Estimated Remaining Duration-
If this parameter is specified, the command displays move operations that match the specified time.
[-replication-throughput <text>]
- Replication Throughput-
If this parameter is specified, the command displays move operations that match the specified replication throughput of the move operation in terms of Kb/s, Mb/s or Gb/s.
[-actual-duration {<seconds>|[<d> days] <hh>:<mm>[:<ss>]}]
- Duration of Move-
If this parameter is specified, the command displays move operations that match the specified duration for which the volume move was or is in progress.
[-source-aggregate <aggregate name>]
- Source Aggregate-
If this parameter is specified, the command displays move operations that match the specified name of the aggregate where the volume being moved originally resides or resided.
[-source-node <nodename>]
- Source Node (privilege: advanced)-
If this parameter is specified, the command displays move operations that match the specified name of the node where the source aggregate is present.
[-start-time <Date>]
- Start Time of Move-
If this parameter is specified, the command displays move operations that match the specified date and time in the cluster time zone when the volume move operation started.
[-state {healthy|warning|alert|failed|done}]
- Move State-
If this parameter is specified, the command displays move operations that match the specified state of the volume move operation.
[-moved-by-autobalance {true|false}]
- Move Initiated by Auto Balance Aggregate (privilege: advanced)-
If this parameter is specified, the command displays move operations that match the specified value of this parameter.
[-original-job-id <integer>]
- Original Job ID (privilege: advanced)-
If this parameter is specified, the command displays move operations that match the specified value of this parameter.
[-is-source-encrypted {true|false}]
- Is Source Volume Encrypted-
If this parameter is specified, the command displays move operations that match the specified value of this parameter.
[-source-key-id <text>]
- Encryption Key ID of Source Volume-
If this parameter is specified, the command displays move operations that match the specified value of this parameter.
[-is-destination-encrypted {true|false}]
- Is Destination Volume Encrypted-
If this parameter is specified, the command displays move operations that match the specified value of this parameter.
[-destination-key-id <text>]
- Encryption Key ID of Destination Volume-
If this parameter is specified, the command displays move operations that match the specified value of this parameter.
[-enforce-network-throttling {true|false}]
- Enforce Replication Engine Node Level Network Throttling (privilege: advanced)-
If this parameter is specified, the command displays move operations that match the specified value of this parameter.
[-is-capacity-tier-optimized {true|false}]
- Is Capacity Tier Move Optimized (privilege: advanced)-
If this parameter is specified, the command displays move operations that match the specified value of this parameter.
[-is-copy-free {true|false}]
- Is Copy Free Volume Move (privilege: advanced)-
If this parameter is specified, the command displays move operations that match the specified value of this parameter.
The following example lists status of volume move operation for a volume vol2 on a Vserver vs0
cluster1::> volume move show -vserver vs0 -volume vol2 Vserver Name: vs0 Volume Name: vol2 Actual Completion Time: - Bytes Remaining: 6.37GB Destination Aggregate: cluster1_aggr2 Detailed Status: Transferring data: 3.67GB sent. Estimated Time of Completion: Sat Jul 16 20:25:50 2011 Managing Node: node1 Percentage Complete: 36% Move Phase: replicating Estimated Remaining Duration: 00:01 Replication Throughput: 61.08MB/s Duration of Move: 00:02 Source Aggregate: cluster1_aggr1 Start Time of Move: Sat Jul 16 20:22:01 2011 Move State: healthy
The following example lists status of volume move operation for a volume vol2 on a Vserver vs0 in advanced mode
cluster1::*> volume move show -vserver vs0 -volume vol2 Vserver Name: vs0 Volume Name: vol2 Actual Completion Time: - Bytes Remaining: 156KB Specified Action For Cutover: wait Specified Cutover Time Window: 30 Destination Aggregate: cluster1_aggr2 Destination Node: node2 Detailed Status: Cutover Deferred, Waiting for user intervention (2.04MB Sent)::Volume move job preparing transfer. Estimated Time of Completion: - Job ID: 265 Managing Node: node1 Percentage Complete: - Move Phase: cutover_hard_deferred Prior Issues Encountered: - Estimated Remaining Duration: - Replication Throughput: - Duration of Move: 00:24:59 Source Aggregate: cluster1_aggr1 Source Node: node1 Start Time of Move: Tue Mar 17 22:31:32 2011 Move State: alert Move Initiated by Auto Balance Aggregate: false Original Job ID: -
The following example lists status of running and failed volume move operations in the cluster.
cluster1::> volume move show Vserver Volume State Move Phase Percent-Complete Time-To-Complete --------- ---------- -------- ---------- ---------------- ---------------- vs0 s1 alert cutover_hard_deferred 98% - vs0 vol2 failed failed - - 2 entries were displayed.
The following example lists status of all the volume move operations in the cluster.
cluster1::> vol move show -phase * (volume move show) Vserver Volume State Move Phase Percent-Complete Time-To-Complete --------- ---------- -------- ---------- ---------------- ---------------- vs0 s1 alert cutover_hard_deferred 98% - vs0 s2 done completed 100% - vs0 vol1 failed failed - - 3 entries were displayed.