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ONTAP 9.16.1 commands

vserver nvme namespace create

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Create an NVMe namespace

Availability: This command is available to cluster and Vserver administrators at the admin privilege level.


The vserver nvme namespace create command creates a new NVMe namespace of a specific size. You must create NVMe namespaces at the root of a volume or qtree.

When you create an NVMe namespace, it is non-space reserved.

Note This command is not supported for FlexGroup volumes or Vservers with Infinite Volumes.


-vserver <Vserver Name> - Vserver Name

Specifies the Vserver.

-path <path> - Namespace Path

Specifies the path of the NVMe namespace. Examples of correct NVMe namespace paths: /vol/vol1/ns1 and /vol/vol1/qtree1/ns1

-size {<integer>[KB|MB|GB|TB|PB]} - Size

Specifies the size of the NVMe namespace in bytes. You can specify a multiplier suffix:

  • KB (1024 bytes)

  • MB (KB*KB bytes)

  • GB (KB*MB bytes)

  • TB (MB*MB bytes)

  • PB (KB*TB bytes)

-ostype {aix|linux|vmware|windows} - OS Type

Specifies the operating system type of the NVMe namespace. The OS types are:

  • aix - the NVMe namespace stores AIX file system data.

  • linux - the NVMe namespace stores Linux file system data.

  • vmware - the NVMe namespace stores VMware file system data.

  • windows - the NVMe namespace stores Windows file system data.

[-comment <text>] - Comment

Contains a textual description of the NVMe namespace.

[-block-size {512|4KB}] - Block Size

Specifies the block size of the NVMe namespace in bytes. Valid block sizes are

  • 512 (in ONTAP 9.6 and later)

  • 4096

[-foreground {true|false}] - Foreground

This parameter specifies whether the operation runs in the foreground. The default setting is true (the operation runs in the foreground). When set to true, the command will not return until the operation completes.


cluster1::*> vserver nvme namespace create -vserver vs_1 -path /vol/nsvol/namespace1 -size 100g -ostype linux

Creates an NVMe namespace at path /vol/ns/vol/namespace1 on Vserver vs_1 .