security login publickey show
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Display public keys
Availability: This command is available to cluster and Vserver administrators at the admin privilege level.
The security login publickey show
command displays information about public keys.
- {
[-fields <fieldname>,…]
If you specify the
-fields <fieldname>, …
parameter, the command output also includes the specified field or fields. You can use '-fields ?' to display the fields to specify. - |
[-instance ]
} -
If you specify the
parameter, the command displays detailed information about all fields. [-vserver <vserver name>]
- Vserver-
Selects the public keys that match this parameter value.
[-username <text>]
- Username-
Selects the public keys that match this parameter value.
[-application <text>]
- Application-
Selects the public keys that match this parameter value.
[-index <integer>]
- Index-
Selects the public keys that match this parameter value.
[-publickey <certificate>]
- Public Key-
Selects the public keys that match this parameter value.
[-fingerprint <text>]
- Hex Fingerprint-
Selects the public keys that match this parameter value.
[-bubblebabble <text>]
- Bubblebabble Fingerprint-
Selects the public keys that match this parameter value.
[-comment <text>]
- Comment-
Selects the public keys that match this parameter value.
[-certificate <certificate>]
- Certificate Associated with Public Key-
Selects the public keys that match this parameter value.
[-certificate-details <text>]
- Details about the Certificate-
Selects the public keys that match this parameter value.
[-certificate-expired <text>]
- Expiry Status of Certificate-
Selects the public keys that match this parameter value.
[-certificate-revoked <text>]
- Revocation Status of Certificate-
Selects the public keys that match this parameter value.
The example below displays public key information for the user named tsmith.
cluster1::> security login publickey show -username tsmith Vserver: vs1 UserName: tsmith Index: 5 Public Key: ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAABIwAAAIEAspH64CYbUsDQCdW22JnK6J /vU9upnKzd2zAk9C1f7YaWRUAFNs2Qe5lUmQ3ldi8AD0Vfbr5T6HZPCixNAIza FciDy7hgnmdj9eNGedGr/JNrftQbLD1hZybX+72DpQB0tYWBhe6eDJ1oPLob Fingerprint: 07:b4:27:52:ce:7f:35:81:5a:f2:07:cf:c1:87:91:97 Bubblebabble fingerprint: xuzom-nelug-bisih-nihyr-metig-kemal-puhut-somyd-mumuh-zomis-syxex Comment: This is a new key Certificate: -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- MIICHTCCAaKgAwIBAgIUU+YJjeaOzvs+w+56JSm8Amow0nAwCgYIKoZIzj0EAwIw RTELMAkGA1UEBhMCSU4xCzAJBgNVBAgMAktBMQwwCgYDVQQHDANCTFIxDTALBgNV BAoMBE5UQVAxDDAKBgNVBAsMA1ImRDAeFw0yMjA5MjAwNjAyNDRaFw0yMzA5MjAw NjAyNDRaMEUxCzAJBgNVBAYTAklOMQswCQYDVQQIDAJLQTEMMAoGA1UEBwwDQkxS MQ0wCwYDVQQKDAROVEFQMQwwCgYDVQQLDANSJkQwdjAQBgcqhkjOPQIBBgUrgQQA IgNiAASbaxCYB6XRDOFgdHBghvMoUpideGnd2jNrQJANeSaWVMnPUpXzg2tcPnsu c87AR75BcfwhSurrFGLIw7TLcR22IFTggcrKmhjI8QwvomMZWfIoeHZlwsI+msm4 PLyaCqmjUzBRMB0GA1UdDgQWBBREeGdLZ3YTEL4CXLvTa8XQRAhRqDAfBgNVHSME GDAWgBREeGdLZ3YTEL4CXLvTa8XQRAhRqDAPBgNVHRMBAf8EBTADAQH/MAoGCCqG SM49BAMCA2kAMGYCMQDv9ZEselgteBlbqOYScKCyVcq3d89zz8Y9GBBB4FXJ3J+q /h4zDk2Y2IJG63d7Kf0CMQDJl7v9I/NRNtS09qkavJh6snjJvUe3C5RhAkMPDhBO 2sfbUx1UQSo/md6U1CQBewM= -----END CERTIFICATE----- Certificate Details: Subject: C=US, ST=NC, L=RTP, O=NETAPP, OU=NTAP, Issuer: C=US, ST=NC, L=RTP, O=NETAPP, OU=NTAP, CN=NTAP-INTERCA2 Expiration: Jan 29 04:46:20 2024 GMT Certificate Expiration Status: Not Expired Certificate Revocation Status: good
The example below displays public key information for all 'service-processor' users.
cluster1::> security login publickey show -application service-processor Vserver: cluster1 UserName: joed Index: 1 Public Key: ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 AAAAE2VjZHNhLXNoYTItbmlzdHAyNTYAAAAIbmlzdHAyNTYAAABBBFgMRmKHV2+sGDPMD8JdMRS+vSviIyjAymBZ/vu22Ae1AY51RIOBq5cVKaP49O9A21F1Srkqsd3gHFw/UhYBPy8= Fingerprint: SHA256:ETxoqJyjq2tXjMKiJlCSTOT5vj+s+h6OxtXUIl28PcI Bubblebabble fingerprint: xiges-husyn-fyzim-sanok-bihos-sizuv-ribyt-cyryz-lelel-sekan-poxyx Comment: This is a new publickey Certificate: - Certificate Details: - Certificate Expiration Status: - Certificate Revocation Status: -