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ONTAP 9.16.1 commands

vserver vscan scanner-pool privileged-users add

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Add to the list of privileged users

Availability: This command is available to cluster and Vserver administrators at the admin privilege level.


The vserver vscan scanner-pool privileged-users add command adds one privileged users or list of privileged users to the specified scanner pool.


-vserver <vserver name> - Vserver

This parameter specifies the name of the Vserver containing the specified scanner pool on which you want to add a privileged user or users.

-scanner-pool <Scanner pool> - Scanner Pool

This parameter specifies the name of the scanner pool to which you want to add a privileged user or users.

-privileged-users <Privileged user>,…​ - List of Privileged Users

This parameter specifies a list of privileged users. A valid form of privileged user-name is "domain-name\user-name" and can be up to 256 characters long. Privileged user-names are stored and treated as case-insensitive strings. Virus scanners must use one of the registered privileged users for connecting to ONTAP for exchanging virus-scanning protocol messages and to access file for scanning, remedying and quarantining operations.


The following example adds a list of privileged users to the specified scanner pool.

cluster1::> vserver vscan scanner-pool privileged-users add -vserver vs1
            -scanner-pool p1 -privileged-users cifs\u2,cifs\u3

cluster1::> vserver vscan scanner-pool privileged-users show -vserver vs1
            -scanner-pool p1
Vserver: vs1
            Scanner Pool: p1
List of Privileged Users: cifs\u1, cifs\u2, cifs\u3