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ONTAP 9.16.1 commands

snapmirror release

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Remove source information for a SnapMirror relationship

Availability: This command is available to cluster and Vserver administrators at the admin privilege level.


The snapmirror release command removes the relationship information from the source Vserver. The command also removes any snapshot owner tags and any snapshots which were created for the specified relationship from the source volumes. It does not destroy any volumes or Vservers. This command must be used from the source Vserver or cluster.

For relationships with a policy of type strict-sync-mirror , it additionally resumes primary volume access if the IO was restricted because the relationship was OutOfSync.

For relationship having Application Consistency Groups, snapmirror release command used on the source of a Application Consistency Group relationship, removes the relationship information from the source side and deletes snapshots which were created on the source volumes.

You can use the snapmirror list-destinations command to display source Vservers' relationship information. This information is populated during the first SnapMirror transfer, not when the snapmirror create command is issued.

This command is not supported for SnapMirror relationships with the field "Relationship Capability" showing as "Pre 8.2" in the output of the snapmirror show command.

This command is not supported for SnapMirror relationships with non-ONTAP endpoints.

The snapmirror release operation fails if a SnapMirror transfer for the SnapMirror relationship is in a data phase of the transfer.


{ [-S, -source-path {<[vserver:][volume]>|<[[cluster:]//vserver/]volume>|<hostip:/lun/name>|<hostip:/share/share-name>|<[vserver:]/cg/[app-cgname]>}] - Source Path

Specifies the source endpoint of the SnapMirror relationship in one of three formats. The normal format includes the names of the Vserver (vserver), and/or volume (volume). A format which also includes the name of the cluster (cluster) is also provided for consistency with other SnapMirror commands. The form of the pathname which includes the cluster name cannot be used when operating in a Vserver context. For relationships between Application Consistency Groups, the source endpoint is specified in the form [vserver:]/cg/cg-name .

| [-source-vserver <vserver name>] - Source Vserver

Specifies the source Vserver of the SnapMirror relationship. For relationships with volumes as endpoints, if this parameter is specified, parameter -source-volume must also be specified.

[-source-volume <volume name>] - Source Volume }

Specifies the source volume of the SnapMirror relationship. If this parameter is specified, parameter -source-vserver must also be specified.

{ -destination-path {<[vserver:][volume]>|<[[cluster:]//vserver/]volume>|<hostip:/lun/name>|<hostip:/share/share-name>|<[vserver:]/cg/[app-cgname]>} - Destination Path

Specifies the destination endpoint of the SnapMirror relationship in one of three formats. The normal format includes the names of the Vserver (vserver), and/or volume (volume). A format which also includes the name of the cluster (cluster) is also provided for consistency with other SnapMirror commands. The form of the pathname which includes the cluster name cannot be used when operating in a Vserver context. For relationships between Application Consistency Groups the destination endpoint is specified in the form [vserver:]/cg/cg-name

| -destination-vserver <vserver name> - Destination Vserver

Specifies the destination Vserver of the SnapMirror relationship. For relationships with volumes as endpoints, if this parameter is specified, parameter -destination-volume must also be specified.

[-destination-volume <volume name>] - Destination Volume }

Specifies the destination volume of the SnapMirror relationship. If this parameter is specified, parameter -destination-vserver must also be specified.

[-relationship-info-only <true>] - Remove relationship info only (skip cleanup of snapshots)

If this parameter is specified, the cleanup of snapshots is bypassed and only the source relationship information is removed. It is recommended to specify this parameter only when the source volume is not accessible.

[-relationship-id <UUID>] - Relationship ID

This optional parameter specifies the relationship identifier of the relationship. It must be specified when information for more than one relationship with the same source and destination paths is present. This parameter is not supported for Vserver SnapMirror relationships.

[-f, -force <true>] - Force

If this parameter is specified, the command proceeds without prompting for confirmation.


To release the source information for the SnapMirror relationship with the destination endpoint , type the following command:> snapmirror release

To release the source information for the SnapMirror relationship with the destination endpoint , and relationship-id 5f91a075-6a72-11e1-b562-123478563412 , type the following command:> snapmirror release
       -relationship-id 5f91a075-6a72-11e1-b562-123478563412

To release the source information for the SnapMirror relationship with the destination endpoint , type the following command:

cluster1::> snapmirror release

To release the Application Consistency Group SnapMirror relationship with the destination Application Consistency Group cg_dst in Vserver and the source Application Consistency Group cg_src in Vserver , type the following command from the source cluster:

source::> snapmirror release

To release just the source information but not remove the snapshots that might be needed for a subsequent resync for the Asynchronous SnapMirror Application Consistency Group relationship with the destination Application Consistency Group cg_dst in Vserver , type the following command:> snapmirror release
       -relationship-info-only true

To release the SnapMirror active sync relationship with the destination Consistency Group cg_dst in Vserver and the source Consistency Group cg_src in Vserver , type the following command from the source cluster:

source::> snapmirror release