metrocluster check config-replication show
Display MetroCluster config-replication status information
Availability: This command is available to cluster administrators at the admin privilege level.
The metrocluster check config-replication show
command displays the results of MetroCluster configuration replication.
The command verifies the following aspects of MetroCluster configuration replication :
Enabled: Verifies that MetroCluster configuration replication is enabled on the cluster.
Running: Verifies that MetroCluster configuration replication is running on the cluster.
Remote Heartbeat: Verifies that the MetroCluster configuration replication heartbeat with the remote cluster is healthy.
Last Heartbeat Sent: Prints the timestamp of the last MetroCluster configuration replication heartbeat sent to the remote cluster.
Last Heartbeat Received: Prints the timestamp of the last MetroCluster configuration replication heartbeat received from the remote cluster.
Storage Status: Verifies that MetroCluster configuration replication storage is healthy.
Storage In Use: Prints the location of MetroCluster configuration replication storage.
Storage Remarks: Prints the underlying root cause for non healthy MetroCluster configuration storage.
Vserver Streams: Verifies that MetroCluster configuration replication Vserver streams are healthy.
Cluster Streams: Verifies that MetroCluster configuration replication Cluster streams are healthy.
Additional information about the warnings (if any) and recovery steps can be viewed by running the command with the -instance option.
[-instance ]
If you specify the -instance parameter, the command displays detailed information about all fields.
The following example shows the output of metrocluster check config-replication show
clusA::metrocluster check config-replication> show Enabled: true Running: true Remote Heartbeat: ok Last Heartbeat Sent: 12/12/2013 14:24:59 Last Heartbeat Received: 12/12/2013 14:25:00 Storage Status: ok Storage In Use: Cluster-wide Volume: MDV_CRS_1bc7134a5ddf11e3b63f123478563412_A Storage Remarks: - Vserver Streams: ok Cluster Streams: ok