Upgrade paths
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The version of SnapCenter Plug-in for VMware vSphere (SCV) that you can upgrade to depends on the version that you're currently running.
Upgrade to SnapCenter Plug-in for VMware vSphere (SCV) 4.8 and above is supported only on VMware vCenter server 7 update 1 and later versions. For VMware vCenter server prior to version 7 update 1, you should continue to use SCV 4.7. |
If you are on SCV version… | You can directly upgrade SCV to… |
SCV 5.0 |
SCV 6.0 |
SCV 4.9 |
SCV 5.0 and SCV 6.0 |
SCV 4.8 |
SCV 4.9 and SCV 5.0 |
SCV 4.7 |
SCV 4.8 and SCV 4.9 |
For virtualized databases and file systems that are integrated with SnapCenter, this is the upgrade path:
If you are using | If your VMware plug-in is… | You can directly upgrade to… |
SnapCenter 6.0 |
SCV 5.0 |
SCV 6.0 |
SnapCenter 5.0 |
SCV 4.9 |
SCV 5.0 |
SnapCenter 4.9 |
SCV 4.8 |
SCV 4.9 |
SnapCenter 4.8 |
SCV 4.7 |
SCV 4.8 |