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SnapCenter Software 4.7
A newer release of this product is available.

Install the SnapCenter Plug-in for Microsoft SQL Server silently from the command line

Contributors netapp-soumikd

You should install SnapCenter Plug-in for Microsoft SQL Server from within the SnapCenter user interface. However, if you cannot for some reason, you can run the Plug-in for SQL Server installation program unattended in silent mode from the Windows command line.

What you will need


  1. Validate whether C:\temp folder exists on the plug-in host and the logged in user has full access to it.

  2. Download the Plug-in for SQL Server software from C:\ProgramData\NetApp\SnapCenter\Package Repository.

    This path is accessible from the host where the SnapCenter Server is installed.

  3. Copy the installation file to the host on which you want to install the plug-in.

  4. From a Windows command prompt on the local host, navigate to the directory to which you saved the plug-in installation files.

  5. Install the Plug-in for SQL Server software:

    "snapcenter_windows_host_plugin.exe"/silent /debuglog"Debug_Log_Path" /log"Log_Path" BI_SNAPCENTER_PORT=Num SUITE_INSTALLDIR="Install_Directory_Path" BI_SERVICEACCOUNT=domain\\administrator BI_SERVICEPWD=password ISFeatureInstall=SCW,SCSQL

    Replace the placeholder values with your data

    • Debug_Log_Path is the name and location of the suite installer log file.

    • Log_Path is the location of the installation logs of the plug-in components (SCW, SCSQL, and SMCore).

    • Num is the port on which SnapCenter communicates with SMCore

    • Install_Directory_Path is the host plug-in package installation directory.

    • domain\administrator is the SnapCenter Plug-in for Microsoft Windows web service account.

    • password is the password for the SnapCenter Plug-in for Microsoft Windows web service account.
      "snapcenter_windows_host_plugin.exe"/silent /debuglog"C:\HPPW_SCSQL_Install.log" /log"C:\" BI_SNAPCENTER_PORT=8145 SUITE_INSTALLDIR="C:\Program Files\NetApp\SnapCenter" BI_SERVICEACCOUNT=domain\administrator BI_SERVICEPWD=password ISFeatureInstall=SCW,SCSQL

    Note All the parameters passed during the installation of Plug-in for SQL Server are case sensitive.
  6. Monitor the Windows task scheduler, the main installation log file C:\Installdebug.log, and the additional installation files in C:\Temp.

  7. Monitor the %temp% directory to verify that the msiexe.exe installers are installing the software without errors.

    Note The installation of Plug-in for SQL Server registers the plug-in on the host and not on the SnapCenter Server. You can register the plug-in on the SnapCenter Server by adding the host using the SnapCenter GUI or PowerShell cmdlet. After the host is added, the plug-in is automatically discovered.