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SnapCenter Software 5.0
A newer release of this product is available.

Features enabled on your Windows host during installation


The SnapCenter Server installer enables the Windows features and roles on your Windows host during installation. These might be of interest for troubleshooting and host system maintenance purposes.

Category Feature

Web Server

  • Internet Information Services

  • World Wide Web Services

  • Common HTTP Features

    • Default Document

    • Directory Browsing

    • HTTP Errors

    • HTTP Redirection

    • Static Content

    • WebDAV Publishing

  • Health and Diagnostics

    • Custom Logging

    • HTTP Logging

    • Logging Tools

    • Request Monitor

    • Tracing

  • Performance Features

    • Static Content Compression

  • Security

    • IP Security

    • Basic Authentication

    • Centralized SSL Certificate Support

    • Client Certificate Mapping Authentication

    • IIS Client Certificate Mapping Authentication

    • IP and Domain Restrictions

    • Request Filtering

    • URL Authorization

    • Windows Authentication

  • Application Development Features

    • .NET Extensibility 4.5

    • Application Initialization

    • ASP.NET 4.7.2

    • Server-Side Includes

    • WebSocket Protocol

  • Management Tools

    • IIS Management Console

IIS Management Scripts and Tools

  • IIS Management Service

  • Web Management Tools

.NET Framework 4.7.2 Features

  • .NET Framework 4.7.2

  • ASP.NET 4.7.2

  • Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) HTTP Activation45

    • TCP Activation

    • HTTP Activation

    • Message Queuing (MSMQ) activation

Message Queuing

  • Message Queuing Services

    Note Ensure that no other applications uses the MSMQ service that SnapCenter creates and manages.
  • MSMQ Server

Windows Process Activation Service

  • Process Model

Configuration APIs
