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SnapCenter Software

Manage resource groups

Contributors netapp-nsriram netapp-asubhas

You can perform various operations on resource groups.

You can perform the following tasks related to resource groups:

  • Modify a resource group by selecting the resource group and clicking Modify Resource Group to edit the information you provided while creating the resource group.

    Note You can change the schedule while modifying the resource group. However, to change the schedule type you must modify the policy.
    Note If you remove resources from a resource group, the backup retention settings defined in the policies currently attached to the resource group will continue to be applied to the removed resources.
  • Create a backup of a resource group.

  • Create a clone of a backup.

    You can clone from the existing backups of SQL, Oracle, Windows file systems, custom applications, and SAP HANA database resources or resource groups.

  • Create a clone of a resource group.

    This operation is supported only for SQL resource groups (which contains only databases). You can configure a schedule for cloning a resource group (clone lifecycle).

  • Prevent scheduled operations on resource groups from starting.

  • Delete a resource group.

Stop and resume operations on resource groups

You can temporarily disable scheduled operations from starting on a resource group. Later when you want, you can enable those operations.


  1. In the left navigation pane, click Resources, and then select the appropriate plug-in from the list.

  2. In the Resources page, select Resource Group from the View list.

  3. Select the resource group and click Maintenance.

  4. Click OK.

If you want to resume operations on the resource group that you had put on maintenance mode, select the resource group and click Production.

Delete resource groups

You can delete a resource group if you no longer need to protect the resources in the resource group. You must ensure that resource groups are deleted before you remove plug-ins from SnapCenter.

About this task

You should manually delete all clones created for any of the resources in the resource group. You can optionally force the deletion of all backups, metadata, policies, and Snapshots associated with the resource group.


  1. In the left navigation pane, click Resources, and then select the appropriate plug-in from the list.

  2. In the Resources page, select Resource Group from the View list.

  3. Select the resource group, and then click Delete.

  4. Optional: Select the Delete backups and detach policies associated with this Resource Group check box to remove all backups, metadata, policies, and Snapshots associated with the resource group.

  5. Click OK.