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Configure ONTAP System Manager

Contributors netapp-madkat ssantho3 netapp-perveilerk netapp-lhalbert

After you have obtained the required StorageGRID information, you can go to ONTAP to add StorageGRID as a cloud tier.

Before you begin
  • If you completed the FabricPool setup wizard, you have the ONTAP_FabricPool_settings_bucketname.txt file you downloaded.

  • If you configured StorageGRID manually, you have the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) you are using for StorageGRID or the virtual IP (VIP) address for the StorageGRID HA group, the port number for the load balancer endpoint, the load balancer certificate, the access key ID and secret key for the root user of the tenant account, and the name of the bucket ONTAP will use in that tenant.

Access ONTAP System Manager

These instructions describe how to use ONTAP System Manager to add StorageGRID as a cloud tier. You can complete the same configuration using the ONTAP CLI. For instructions, go to ONTAP 9: FabricPool tier management with the CLI.

  1. Access System Manager for the ONTAP cluster you want to tier to StorageGRID.

  2. Sign in as an administrator for the cluster.

  3. Navigate to STORAGE > Tiers > Add Cloud Tier.

  4. Select StorageGRID from the list of object store providers.

Enter StorageGRID values

  1. Complete the Add Cloud Tier form, using the ONTAP_FabricPool_settings_bucketname.txt file or the values you obtained manually.

    Field Description


    Enter a unique name for this cloud tier. You can accept the default value.

    URL style

    If you configured S3 endpoint domain names, select Virtual Hosted-Style URL.

    Path-Style URL is the default for ONTAP, but using virtual hosted-style requests is recommended for StorageGRID. You must use Path-Style URL if you provide an IP address instead of a domain name for the Server name (FQDN) field.

    Server name (FQDN)

    Enter the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) you are using for StorageGRID or the virtual IP (VIP) address for the StorageGRID HA group. For example,

    Note the following:

    • The IP address or domain name that you specify here must match the certificate you uploaded or generated for the StorageGRID load balancer endpoint.

    • If you provide a domain name, the DNS record must map to each IP address you will use to connect to StorageGRID. See Configure the DNS server.


    Enabled (default).

    Object store certificate

    Paste the certificate PEM you are using for the StorageGRID load balancer endpoint, including: -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- and -----END CERTIFICATE-----.

    Note: If an intermediate CA issued the StorageGRID certificate, you must provide the intermediate CA certificate. If the StorageGRID certificate was issued directly by the Root CA, you must provide the Root CA certificate.


    Enter the port used by the StorageGRID load balancer endpoint. ONTAP will use this port when it connects to StorageGRID. For example, 10433.

    Access key and secret key

    Enter the access key ID and secret access key for the root user of the StorageGRID tenant account.

    Tip: If you generate a new access key and secret access key in StorageGRID in the future, enter the new keys into ONTAP before deleting the old values from StorageGRID. Otherwise, ONTAP might temporarily lose its access to StorageGRID.

    Container name

    Enter the name of the StorageGRID bucket you created for use with this ONTAP tier.

  2. Complete the final FabricPool configuration in ONTAP.

    1. Attach one or more aggregates to the cloud tier.

    2. Optionally, create a volume tiering policy.