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Astra Trident
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Create a storage class

Contributors netapp-aruldeepa

Configure a Kubernetes StorageClass object and create the storage class to instruct Astra Trident how to provision volumes.

Configure a Kubernetes StorageClass object

The Kubernetes StorageClass object identifies Astra Trident as the provisioner that is used for that class instructs Astra Trident how to provision a volume. For example:

kind: StorageClass
  name: <Name>
mountOptions: <Mount Options>
  <Trident Parameters>
allowVolumeExpansion: true
volumeBindingMode: Immediate

Refer to Kubernetes and Trident objects for details on how storage classes interact with the PersistentVolumeClaim and parameters for controlling how Astra Trident provisions volumes.

Create a storage class

After you create the StorageClass object, you can create the storage class. Storage class samples provides some basic samples you can use or modify.

  1. This is a Kubernetes object, so use kubectl to create it in Kubernetes.

    kubectl create -f sample-input/storage-class-basic-csi.yaml
  2. You should now see a basic-csi storage class in both Kubernetes and Astra Trident, and Astra Trident should have discovered the pools on the backend.

    kubectl get sc basic-csi
    NAME         PROVISIONER             AGE
    basic-csi   15h
    ./tridentctl -n trident get storageclass basic-csi -o json
      "items": [
          "Config": {
            "version": "1",
            "name": "basic-csi",
            "attributes": {
              "backendType": "ontap-nas"
            "storagePools": null,
            "additionalStoragePools": null
          "storage": {
            "ontapnas_10.0.0.1": [

Storage class samples

Alternatively, you can edit sample-input/storage-class-csi.yaml.templ file that comes with the installer and replace BACKEND_TYPE with the storage driver name.

./tridentctl -n trident get backend
|    NAME     | STORAGE DRIVER |                 UUID                 | STATE  | VOLUMES |
| nas-backend | ontap-nas      | 98e19b74-aec7-4a3d-8dcf-128e5033b214 | online |       0 |

cp sample-input/storage-class-csi.yaml.templ sample-input/storage-class-basic-csi.yaml

# Modify __BACKEND_TYPE__ with the storage driver field above (e.g., ontap-nas)
vi sample-input/storage-class-basic-csi.yaml