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Astra Trident
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Manage multiple Astra Trident instances

Contributors netapp-aruldeepa

Multiple instances of Trident are needed when you desire to have multiple storage configurations available simultaneously. The key to multiple instances is to give them different names using the --alias option with the containerized plugin, or --volume-driver option when instantiating Trident on the host.

Steps for Docker managed plugin (version 1.13/17.03 or later)

  1. Launch the first instance specifying an alias and configuration file.

    docker plugin install --grant-all-permissions --alias silver netapp/trident-plugin:21.07 config=silver.json
  2. Launch the second instance, specifying a different alias and configuration file.

    docker plugin install --grant-all-permissions --alias gold netapp/trident-plugin:21.07 config=gold.json
  3. Create volumes specifying the alias as the driver name.

    For example, for gold volume:

    docker volume create -d gold --name ntapGold

    For example, for silver volume:

    docker volume create -d silver --name ntapSilver

Steps for traditional (version 1.12 or earlier)

  1. Launch the plugin with an NFS configuration using a custom driver ID:

    sudo trident --volume-driver=netapp-nas --config=/path/to/config-nfs.json
  2. Launch the plugin with an iSCSI configuration using a custom driver ID:

    sudo trident --volume-driver=netapp-san --config=/path/to/config-iscsi.json
  3. Provision Docker volumes for each driver instance:

    For example, for NFS:

    docker volume create -d netapp-nas --name my_nfs_vol

    For example, for iSCSI:

    docker volume create -d netapp-san --name my_iscsi_vol