Install OnCommand Workflow Automation on Linux
You can install OnCommand Workflow Automation (WFA) by using the command-line interface (CLI).
You must have reviewed the installation prerequisites.
You must have downloaded the WFA installer from the NetApp Support Site.
If you are installing WFA on a virtual machine (VM), the name of the VM must not include the underscore (_) character.
You can change the default installation location at the shell prompt:
./WFA-version_number.bin [-i WFA_install_directory] [-d mysql_data_directory]
If you change the default installation location, the MySQL data directory is not deleted when you uninstall WFA. You must manually delete the directory.
Before reinstalling WFA 4.2 or later, you must delete the MySQL data directory if you have uninstalled MySQL. |
Log in to the Linux server as a
user. -
Navigate to the directory where the executable
file is located. -
Install WFA by choosing one of the following methods:
Interactive installation
Start the interactive session:
Enter the credentials for the default admin user, and then press Enter.
You must note the credentials for the admin user and ensure that the password meets the following criteria:
Minimum of six characters
One uppercase character
One lowercase character
One numeral
One special character
Accept the default ports for WFA configuration or provide custom ports, and then press Enter.
Specify your company name and a site name, and then press Enter.
The site name can include the location of the WFA installation, for example, Pittsburgh, PA.
Verify that WFA is installed successfully by choosing one of the following actions:
Access WFA through a web browser.
Verify that the NetApp WFA Server service and the NetApp WFA Database service are running:
service wfa-server status
service wfa-db status
Silent installation
At the shell prompt:
./WFA-version_number.bin [-u admin_user_ name] [-p admin_user_password] [-m https_port] [-n http_port] [-c company_name] [-s site_name] [-i install_directory] [-d mysql_data_directory][-y] [-b]
If you want to perform a silent installation, you must specify values for all of the command options. The command options are as follows:
Option Description -y
Option to skip
Skips the installation confirmation
Option to skip
Skips creating a backup of the WFA database during an upgrade
Admin user name
Admin user password
The admin user password must satisfy the following criteria:
Minimum of six characters
One uppercase character
One lowercase character
One numeral
One special character
HTTPS port
HTTP port
Site name
Company name
Installation directory path
MySQL data directory
Option to display
Displays the Help
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