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Clone a volume

Contributors netapp-rlithman

Clone a volume to make a read-write volume of the original volume for testing.

The clone reflects the current, point-in-time state of the data. You can also use clones to give additional users access to data without giving them access to production data.

About this task

Volume cloning is only supported for FlexClone volumes.

When a volume is cloned, a writeable volume is created with references to snapshots from the parent volume. Clone creation occurs in seconds. The cloned data doesn't reside on the volume clone but instead resides on the parent volume. Any new data written to the volume after clone creation resides on the clone.

For a cloned volume to contain all data from the parent volume and any new data added to the clone after creation, you'll need to split the clone from the parent volume. Additionally, you can't delete a parent volume if it has a clone. A clone must be split before a parent volume can be deleted.

  1. Log in to the Workload Factory console

  2. In Storage, select Go to storage inventory.

  3. Select the Volumes tab.

  4. In the Volumes tab, select the three dots menu of the volume to clone.

  5. Select Data protection actions, then Clone volume.

  6. In the Clone volume dialog, enter a name for the volume clone.

  7. Click Clone.