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Cluster and storage switches

安装 NX-OS 软件


您可以使用此操作步骤 在 Nexus 3232C 集群交换机上安装 NX-OS 软件。


  • 交换机配置的当前备份。

  • 一个完全正常运行的集群(日志中没有错误或类似问题)。

  • "Cisco 以太网交换机页面"。有关支持的ONTAP 和NX-OS版本、请参见交换机兼容性表。

  • "Cisco Nexus 3000 系列交换机"。有关Cisco交换机升级和降级过程的完整文档、请参见Cisco网站上提供的相应软件和升级指南。


操作步骤 要求同时使用 ONTAP 命令和 Cisco Nexus 3000 系列交换机命令;除非另有说明,否则使用 ONTAP 命令。

请务必在中完成操作步骤 "准备安装NX-OS和RCF"、然后按照以下步骤进行操作。

  1. 将集群交换机连接到管理网络。

  2. 使用 ping 命令验证与托管 NX-OS 软件和 RCF 的服务器的连接。


    此示例验证交换机是否可以通过 IP 地址 访问服务器:

    cs2# ping
    Pinging with 0 bytes of data:
    Reply From icmp_seq = 0. time= 5910 usec.
  3. 将 NX-OS 软件和 EPLD 映像复制到 Nexus 3232C 交换机。

    cs2# copy sftp: bootflash: vrf management
    Enter source filename: /code/nxos.9.3.4.bin
    Enter hostname for the sftp server:
    Enter username: user1
    Outbound-ReKey for
    Inbound-ReKey for
    user1@'s password:
    sftp> progress
    Progress meter enabled
    sftp> get   /code/nxos.9.3.4.bin  /bootflash/nxos.9.3.4.bin
    /code/nxos.9.3.4.bin  100% 1261MB   9.3MB/s   02:15
    sftp> exit
    Copy complete, now saving to disk (please wait)...
    Copy complete.
    cs2# copy sftp: bootflash: vrf management
    Enter source filename: /code/n9000-epld.9.3.4.img
    Enter hostname for the sftp server:
    Enter username: user1
    Outbound-ReKey for
    Inbound-ReKey for
    user1@'s password:
    sftp> progress
    Progress meter enabled
    sftp> get   /code/n9000-epld.9.3.4.img  /bootflash/n9000-epld.9.3.4.img
    /code/n9000-epld.9.3.4.img  100%  161MB   9.5MB/s   00:16
    sftp> exit
    Copy complete, now saving to disk (please wait)...
    Copy complete.
  4. 验证正在运行的 NX-OS 软件版本:


    cs2# show version
    Cisco Nexus Operating System (NX-OS) Software
    TAC support:
    Copyright (C) 2002-2019, Cisco and/or its affiliates.
    All rights reserved.
    The copyrights to certain works contained in this software are
    owned by other third parties and used and distributed under their own
    licenses, such as open source.  This software is provided "as is," and unless
    otherwise stated, there is no warranty, express or implied, including but not
    limited to warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose.
    Certain components of this software are licensed under
    the GNU General Public License (GPL) version 2.0 or
    GNU General Public License (GPL) version 3.0  or the GNU
    Lesser General Public License (LGPL) Version 2.1 or
    Lesser General Public License (LGPL) Version 2.0.
    A copy of each such license is available at and and and
      BIOS: version 08.37
      NXOS: version 9.3(3)
      BIOS compile time:  01/28/2020
      NXOS image file is: bootflash:///nxos.9.3.3.bin
     NXOS compile time:  12/22/2019 2:00:00 [12/22/2019 14:00:37]
      cisco Nexus3000 C3232C Chassis (Nexus 9000 Series)
      Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2403 v2 @ 1.80GHz with 8154432 kB of memory.
      Processor Board ID FO??????GD
      Device name: cs2
      bootflash:   53298520 kB
    Kernel uptime is 0 day(s), 0 hour(s), 3 minute(s), 36 second(s)
    Last reset at 74117 usecs after Tue Nov 24 06:24:23 2020
      Reason: Reset Requested by CLI command reload
      System version: 9.3(3)
      Core Plugin, Ethernet Plugin
    Active Package(s):
  5. 安装 NX-OS 映像。


    cs2# install all nxos bootflash:nxos.9.3.4.bin
    Installer will perform compatibility check first. Please wait.
    Installer is forced disruptive
    Verifying image bootflash:/nxos.9.3.4.bin for boot variable "nxos".
    [] 100% -- SUCCESS
    Verifying image type.
    [] 100% -- SUCCESS
    Preparing "nxos" version info using image bootflash:/nxos.9.3.4.bin.
    [] 100% -- SUCCESS
    Preparing "bios" version info using image bootflash:/nxos.9.3.4.bin.
    [] 100% -- SUCCESS
    Performing module support checks.
    [] 100% -- SUCCESS
    Notifying services about system upgrade.
    [] 100% -- SUCCESS
    Compatibility check is done:
    Module  bootable          Impact              Install-type  Reason
    ------- ----------------- ------------------- ------------- ------
         1     yes            disruptive          reset         default upgrade is not hitless
    Images will be upgraded according to following table:
    Module       Image       Running-Version(pri:alt)                New-Version          Upg-Required
    ------------ ----------- --------------------------------------- -------------------- ------------
         1       nxos        9.3(3)                                  9.3(4)               yes
         1       bios        v08.37(01/28/2020):v08.32(10/18/2016)   v08.37(01/28/2020)   no
    Switch will be reloaded for disruptive upgrade.
    Do you want to continue with the installation (y/n)?  [n] y
    Install is in progress, please wait.
    Performing runtime checks.
    [] 100% -- SUCCESS
    Setting boot variables.
    [] 100% -- SUCCESS
    Performing configuration copy.
    [] 100% -- SUCCESS
    Module 1: Refreshing compact flash and upgrading bios/loader/bootrom.
    Warning: please do not remove or power off the module at this time.
    [] 100% -- SUCCESS
    Finishing the upgrade, switch will reboot in 10 seconds.
  6. 在交换机重新启动后验证 NX-OS 软件的新版本: show version

    cs2# show version
    Cisco Nexus Operating System (NX-OS) Software
    TAC support:
    Copyright (C) 2002-2020, Cisco and/or its affiliates.
    All rights reserved.
    The copyrights to certain works contained in this software are
    owned by other third parties and used and distributed under their own
    licenses, such as open source.  This software is provided "as is," and unless
    otherwise stated, there is no warranty, express or implied, including but not
    limited to warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose.
    Certain components of this software are licensed under
    the GNU General Public License (GPL) version 2.0 or
    GNU General Public License (GPL) version 3.0  or the GNU
    Lesser General Public License (LGPL) Version 2.1 or
    Lesser General Public License (LGPL) Version 2.0.
    A copy of each such license is available at and and and
      BIOS: version 08.37
      NXOS: version 9.3(4)
      BIOS compile time:  01/28/2020
      NXOS image file is: bootflash:///nxos.9.3.4.bin
      NXOS compile time:  4/28/2020 21:00:00 [04/29/2020 06:28:31]
     cisco Nexus3000 C3232C Chassis (Nexus 9000 Series)
      Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2403 v2 @ 1.80GHz with 8154432 kB of memory.
      Processor Board ID FO??????GD
      Device name: rtpnpi-mcc01-8200-ms-A1
      bootflash:   53298520 kB
    Kernel uptime is 0 day(s), 0 hour(s), 3 minute(s), 14 second(s)
    Last reset at 196755 usecs after Tue Nov 24 06:37:36 2020
      Reason: Reset due to upgrade
      System version: 9.3(3)
      Core Plugin, Ethernet Plugin
    Active Package(s):
  7. 升级 EPLD 映像并重新启动交换机。

    cs2# show version module 1 epld
    EPLD Device                     Version
    MI   FPGA                       0x12
    IO   FPGA                       0x11
    cs2# install epld bootflash:n9000-epld.9.3.4.img module 1
    Compatibility check:
    Module        Type         Upgradable     Impact      Reason
    ------  -----------------  ----------    ----------   ------
         1         SUP          Yes           disruptive   Module Upgradable
    Retrieving EPLD versions.... Please wait.
    Images will be upgraded according to following table:
    Module  Type   EPLD              Running-Version   New-Version  Upg-Required
    ------  ----  -------------      ---------------   -----------  ------------
         1   SUP   MI FPGA                   0x12        0x12            No
         1   SUP   IO FPGA                   0x11        0x12            Yes
    The above modules require upgrade.
    The switch will be reloaded at the end of the upgrade
    Do you want to continue (y/n) ?  [n] y
    Proceeding to upgrade Modules.
    Starting Module 1 EPLD Upgrade
    Module 1 : IO FPGA [Programming] : 100.00% (     64 of      64 sectors)
    Module 1 EPLD upgrade is successful.
    Module        Type  Upgrade-Result
    ------  ------------------  --------------
         1         SUP         Success
    Module 1 EPLD upgrade is successful.
  8. 交换机重新启动后,重新登录,升级 EPLD 黄金映像并重新启动交换机。

    cs2# install epld bootflash:n9000-epld.9.3.4.img module 1 golden
    Digital signature verification is successful
    Compatibility check:
    Module        Type         Upgradable        Impact   Reason
    ------  -----------------  ----------    ----------   ------
         1            SUP           Yes       disruptive   Module Upgradable
    Retrieving EPLD versions.... Please wait.
    The above modules require upgrade.
    The switch will be reloaded at the end of the upgrade
    Do you want to continue (y/n) ?  [n] y
    Proceeding to upgrade Modules.
     Starting Module 1 EPLD Upgrade
    Module 1 : MI FPGA [Programming] : 100.00% (     64 of      64 sect)
    Module 1 : IO FPGA [Programming] : 100.00% (     64 of      64 sect)
    Module 1 EPLD upgrade is successful.
    Module        Type  Upgrade-Result
    ------  ------------------  --------------
         1         SUP         Success
    EPLDs upgraded.
    Module 1 EPLD upgrade is successful.
  9. 交换机重新启动后,登录以验证是否已成功加载新版本的 EPLD 。

    cs2# show version module 1 epld
    EPLD Device                     Version
    MI   FPGA                        0x12
    IO   FPGA                        0x12
