您需要選取LDAP伺服器、並設定Astra以使用伺服器做為驗證供應商。組態工作包含下列步驟。每個步驟都包含單一REST API呼叫。
步驟 1 :新增 CA 憑證
執行下列REST API呼叫、將CA憑證新增至Astra。
此步驟為選用步驟、只有當您希望Astra和LDAP透過使用LDAPS的安全通道進行通訊時才需要執行。 |
此 REST API 呼叫使用下列方法和端點。
HTTP方法 | 路徑 |
貼文 |
/Accounts /{account_id}/核心/ v1/certificates |
curl --request POST \
--location "https://astra.example.com/accounts/$ACCOUNT_ID/core/v1/certificates" \
--include \
--header "Content-Type: application/astra-certificate+json" \
--header "Accept: */*" \
--header "Authorization: Bearer $API_TOKEN" \
--data @JSONinput
"type": "application/astra-certificate",
"version": "1.0",
"certUse": "rootCA",
"isSelfSigned": "true"
{ "type": "application/astra-certificate", "version": "1.0", "id": "a5212e7e-402b-4cff-bba0-63f3c6505199", "certUse": "rootCA", "cert": "LS0tLS1CRUdJTiBDRVJUSUZJQ0FURS0tLS0tCk1JSUMyVEN", "cn": "adldap.example.com", "expiryTimestamp": "2023-07-08T20:22:07Z", "isSelfSigned": "true", "trustState": "trusted", "trustStateTransitions": [ { "from": "untrusted", "to": [ "trusted", "expired" ] }, { "from": "trusted", "to": [ "untrusted", "expired" ] }, { "from": "expired", "to": [ "untrusted", "trusted" ] } ], "trustStateDesired": "trusted", "trustStateDetails": [], "metadata": { "creationTimestamp": "2022-07-21T04:16:06Z", "modificationTimestamp": "2022-07-21T04:16:06Z", "createdBy": "8a02d2b8-a69d-4064-827f-36851b3e1e6e", "modifiedBy": "8a02d2b8-a69d-4064-827f-36851b3e1e6e", "labels": [] } }
步驟 2 :新增繫結認證
執行下列REST API呼叫以新增繫結認證。
此 REST API 呼叫使用下列方法和端點。
HTTP方法 | 路徑 |
貼文 |
/Accounts /{account_id}/核心/ v1 /認證 |
curl --request POST \
--location "https://astra.example.com/accounts/$ACCOUNT_ID/core/v1/credentials" \
--include \
--header "Content-Type: application/astra-certificate+json" \
--header "Accept: */*" \
--header "Authorization: Bearer $API_TOKEN" \
--data @JSONinput
"name": "ldapBindCredential",
"type": "application/astra-credential",
"version": "1.1",
"keyStore": {
"bindDn": "dWlkPWFkbWluLG91PXN5c3RlbQ==",
"password": "cGFzc3dvcmQ="
{ "type": "application/astra-credential", "version": "1.1", "id": "3bd9c8a7-f5a4-4c44-b778-90a85fc7d154", "name": "ldapBindCredential", "metadata": { "creationTimestamp": "2022-07-21T06:53:11Z", "modificationTimestamp": "2022-07-21T06:53:11Z", "createdBy": "527329f2-662c-41c0-ada9-2f428f14c137" } }
步驟 3 :擷取 LDAP 設定的 UUID
執行下列REST API呼叫、以擷取Astra Control Center隨附的「Astra .account.LDAP」設定的UUID。
下列Curl範例使用查詢參數來篩選設定集合。您可以移除篩選條件以取得所有設定、然後搜尋「Astra帳戶.LDAP」。 |
此 REST API 呼叫使用下列方法和端點。
HTTP方法 | 路徑 |
取得 |
/Accounts /{account_id}/核心/ v1/settings |
curl --request GET \
--location "https://astra.example.com/accounts/$ACCOUNT_ID/core/v1/settings?filter=name%20eq%20'astra.account.ldap'&include=name,id" \
--include \
--header "Accept: */*" \
--header "Authorization: Bearer $API_TOKEN" \
{ "items": [ ["astra.account.ldap", "12072b56-e939-45ec-974d-2dd83b7815df" ] ], "metadata": {} }
步驟 4 :更新 LDAP 設定
執行下列REST API呼叫、以更新LDAP設定並完成組態。請使用先前API呼叫中的「id」值、在下方URL路徑中輸入「<controlling_ID>」值。
您可以先發出特定設定的Get要求、以查看configSchema。這將提供組態中必要欄位的詳細資訊。 |
此 REST API 呼叫使用下列方法和端點。
HTTP方法 | 路徑 |
放入 |
/Accounts /{account_id}/核心/ v1/settings /{setting_id} |
curl --request PUT \
--location "https://astra.example.com/accounts/$ACCOUNT_ID/core/v1/settings/<SETTING_ID>" \
--include \
--header "Content-Type: application/astra-setting+json" \
--header "Accept: */*" \
--header "Authorization: Bearer $API_TOKEN" \
--data @JSONinput
"type": "application/astra-setting",
"version": "1.0",
"desiredConfig": {
"connectionHost": "myldap.example.com",
"credentialId": "3bd9c8a7-f5a4-4c44-b778-90a85fc7d154",
"groupBaseDN": "OU=groups,OU=astra,DC=example,DC=com",
"isEnabled": "true",
"port": 686,
"secureMode": "LDAPS",
"userBaseDN": "OU=users,OU=astra,DC=example,dc=com",
"userSearchFilter": "((objectClass=User))",
"vendor": "Active Directory"
廠商僅支援「Active Directory」。
如果通話成功、則會傳回HTTP 204回應。
步驟 5 :擷取 LDAP 設定
您可以選擇性地執行下列REST API呼叫、以擷取LDAP設定並確認更新。
此 REST API 呼叫使用下列方法和端點。
HTTP方法 | 路徑 |
取得 |
/Accounts /{account_id}/核心/ v1/settings /{setting_id} |
curl --request GET \
--location "'https://astra.example.com/accounts/$ACCOUNT_ID/core/v1/settings/<SETTING_ID>" \
--include \
--header "Accept: */*" \
--header "Authorization: Bearer $API_TOKEN"
{ "items": [ { "type": "application/astra-setting", "version": "1.0", "metadata": { "creationTimestamp": "2022-06-17T21:16:31Z", "modificationTimestamp": "2022-07-21T07:12:20Z", "labels": [], "createdBy": "system", "modifiedBy": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" }, "id": "12072b56-e939-45ec-974d-2dd83b7815df", "name": "astra.account.ldap", "desiredConfig": { "connectionHost": "", "credentialId": "3bd9c8a7-f5a4-4c44-b778-90a85fc7d154", "groupBaseDN": "ou=groups,ou=astra,dc=example,dc=com", "isEnabled": "true", "port": 686, "secureMode": "LDAPS", "userBaseDN": "ou=users,ou=astra,dc=example,dc=com", "userSearchFilter": "((objectClass=User))", "vendor": "Active Directory" }, "currentConfig": { "connectionHost": "", "credentialId": "3bd9c8a7-f5a4-4c44-b778-90a85fc7d154", "groupBaseDN": "ou=groups,ou=astra,dc=example,dc=com", "isEnabled": "true", "port": 686, "secureMode": "LDAPS", "userBaseDN": "ou=users,ou=astra,dc=example,dc=com", "userSearchFilter": "((objectClass=User))", "vendor": "Active Directory" }, "configSchema": { "$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema#", "title": "astra.account.ldap", "type": "object", "properties": { "connectionHost": { "type": "string", "description": "The hostname or IP address of your LDAP server." }, "credentialId": { "type": "string", "description": "The credential ID for LDAP account." }, "groupBaseDN": { "type": "string", "description": "The base DN of the tree used to start the group search. The system searches the subtree from the specified location." }, "groupSearchCustomFilter": { "type": "string", "description": "Type of search that controls the default group search filter used." }, "isEnabled": { "type": "string", "description": "This property determines if this setting is enabled or not." }, "port": { "type": "integer", "description": "The port on which the LDAP server is running." }, "secureMode": { "type": "string", "description": "The secure mode LDAPS or LDAP." }, "userBaseDN": { "type": "string", "description": "The base DN of the tree used to start the user search. The system searches the subtree from the specified location." }, "userSearchFilter": { "type": "string", "description": "The filter used to search for users according a search criteria." }, "vendor": { "type": "string", "description": "The LDAP provider you are using.", "enum": ["Active Directory"] } }, "additionalProperties": false, "required": [ "connectionHost", "secureMode", "credentialId", "userBaseDN", "userSearchFilter", "groupBaseDN", "vendor", "isEnabled" ] }, "state": "valid", } ], "metadata": {} }
州/省 | 說明 |
擱置中 |
組態程序仍在作用中、尚未完成。 |
有效 |
組態已成功完成、回應中的「currentConfig」符合「eseredConfig」。 |
錯誤 |
LDAP組態程序失敗。 |