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若要準備FLI 7-mode to ONTAP VMware移轉、請驗證主機和來源LUN路徑及其他詳細資料。

  1. 在本系統中、改為「進階」權限等級。ONTAP

    cluster::> set adv
    Warning: These advanced commands are potentially dangerous; use them only when directed to do so by NetApp personnel.
    Do you want to continue? {y|n}: y
  2. 確認來源陣列可在目的地控制器上看到。

    cluster::*> storage array show
    Prefix                         Name   Vendor            Model Options
    -------- ---------------------------- -------- ---------------- ----------
    NET-1                    NETAPP_LUN_1   NETAPP              LUN
    cluster::*> storage array config show -array-name NETAPP_LUN_1
                 LUN   LUN
    Node         Group Count                   Array Name       Array Target Port Initiator
    ------------ ----- ----- ---------------------------- ----------------------- ---------
                     1     2                 NETAPP_LUN_1        500a0981880b813d        0d
                                                                 500a0981980b813d        0d
                     1     2                 NETAPP_LUN_1        500a0981880b813d        0d
                                                                 500a0981980b813d        0d
    4 entries were displayed.
    Warning: Configuration errors were detected.  Use 'storage errors show' for detailed information.
  3. 檢視所列任何儲存錯誤的詳細資料。某些錯誤可能需要先採取行動才能繼續。不過、下列範例「此裝置是ONTAP(R)LUN」中顯示的錯誤可以安全地忽略。


    錯誤訊息「此裝置為ONTAP(R\)LUN」。這是因為FLI仰賴FlexArray 不支援虛擬ONTAP 化功能的不支援虛擬化的ONTAPFLI能夠匯入LUN、FlexArray 但不支援虛擬化LUN。

    cluster::*> storage errors show
    Disk: NET-1.1
    UID: 60A98000:44306931:452B4738:5767366B:00000000:00000000:00000000:00000000:00000000:00000000
    NET-1.1 (60a9800044306931452b47385767366b): This device is an ONTAP(R) LUN.
    Disk: NET-1.2
    UID: 60A98000:44306931:452B4738:5767366D:00000000:00000000:00000000:00000000:00000000:00000000
    NET-1.2 (60a9800044306931452b47385767366d): This device is an ONTAP(R) LUN.
    2 entries were displayed.
  4. 顯示來源LUN詳細資料。

    cluster::*> storage array config show -array-name NETAPP_LUN_1 -instance
               Controller Name: ontaptme-fc-cluster-01
                     LUN Group: 1
            Array Target Ports: 500a0981880b813d
                     Initiator: 0d
                    Array Name: NETAPP_LUN_1
       Target Side Switch Port: stme-5010-4:2-6
    Initiator Side Switch Port: stme-5010-4:2-3
          Number of array LUNs: 2
               Controller Name: ontaptme-fc-cluster-01
                     LUN Group: 1
            Array Target Ports: 500a0981980b813d
                     Initiator: 0d
                    Array Name: NETAPP_LUN_1
       Target Side Switch Port: stme-5010-4:2-5
    Initiator Side Switch Port: stme-5010-4:2-3
          Number of array LUNs: 2
    ~~~~~~ Output truncated ~~~~~~~
    4 entries were displayed.
    Warning: Configuration errors were detected.  Use 'storage errors show' for detailed information.
  5. 驗證是否已透過所有啟動器連接埠探索來源陣列。

    cluster::*> storage array config show -array-name NETAPP_LUN_1
                 LUN   LUN
    Node         Group Count                   Array Name       Array Target Port Initiator
    ------------ ----- ----- ---------------------------- ----------------------- ---------
                     1     2                 NETAPP_LUN_1        500a0981880b813d        0d
                                                                 500a0981980b813d        0d
                     1     2                 NETAPP_LUN_1        500a0981880b813d        0d
                                                                 500a0981980b813d        0d
    4 entries were displayed.
    Warning: Configuration errors were detected.  Use 'storage errors show' for detailed information.
  6. 列出從7-Mode儲存設備對應的LUN。驗證磁碟內容和路徑。

    cluster::*> storage disk show -array-name NETAPP_LUN_1 -instance
                      Disk: NET-1.1
            Container Type: unassigned
                Owner/Home: -  / -
                   DR Home: -
        Stack ID/Shelf/Bay: -  / -  / -
                       LUN: 0
                     Array: NETAPP_LUN_1
                    Vendor: NETAPP
                     Model: LUN
             Serial Number: D0i1E+G8Wg6k
                       UID: 60A98000:44306931:452B4738:5767366B:00000000:00000000:00000000:00000000:00000000:00000000
                       BPS: 512
             Physical Size: -
                  Position: present
    Checksum Compatibility: block
                 Aggregate: -
                      Plex: -
                                    LUN  Initiator Side        Target Side                                                        Link
    Controller         Initiator     ID  Switch Port           Switch Port           Acc Use  Target Port                TPGN    Speed      I/O KB/s          IOPS
    ------------------ ---------  -----  --------------------  --------------------  --- ---  -----------------------  ------  -------  ------------  ------------
                       0d             0  stme-5010-4:2-4       stme-5010-4:2-6       ANO RDY  500a0981880b813d              1   4 Gb/S             0             0
                       0d             0  stme-5010-4:2-4       stme-5010-4:2-5       AO  INU  500a0981980b813d              0   4 Gb/S             0             0
                       0d             0  stme-5010-4:2-3       stme-5010-4:2-6       ANO RDY  500a0981880b813d              1   4 Gb/S             0             0
                       0d             0  stme-5010-4:2-3       stme-5010-4:2-5       AO  INU  500a0981980b813d              0   4 Gb/S             0             0
    NET-1.1 (60a9800044306931452b47385767366b): This device is a ONTAP(R) LUN.
    ~~~~~~ Output truncated ~~~~~~~
    2 entries were displayed.
  7. 驗證來源LUN是否標記為「Foreign(外部)」。

    cluster::*> storage disk show -array-name NETAPP_LUN_1
                         Usable           Disk    Container   Container
    Disk                   Size Shelf Bay Type    Type        Name      Owner
    ---------------- ---------- ----- --- ------- ----------- --------- --------
    NET-1.1                   -     -   - LUN     unassigned  -         -
    NET-1.2                   -     -   - LUN     foreign     -         -
    2 entries were displayed.
  8. 在FLI LUN匯入命令中使用序號。列出所有外部LUN及其序號。

    cluster::*> storage disk show -container-type foreign -fields serial-number
    disk    serial-number
    ------- --------------------------------
    NET-1.2 D0i1E+G8Wg6m
  9. 建立目標LUN。「LUN create」命令會根據分割區偏移量來偵測大小和對齊方式、然後使用Foreign磁碟引數來建立LUN

    cluster::*> vol create -vserver fli_72C -volume flivol -aggregate aggr1 -size 10G
    [Job 12523] Job succeeded: Successful
  10. 驗證Volume。

    cluster::*> vol show -vserver fli_72C
    Vserver   Volume       Aggregate    State      Type       Size  Available Used%
    --------- ------------ ------------ ---------- ---- ---------- ---------- -----
    fli_72C   flivol       aggr1        online     RW         10GB     9.50GB    5%
    fli_72C   rootvol      aggr1        online     RW          1GB    972.6MB    5%
    2 entries were displayed.
  11. 建立目標LUN。

    cluster::*> lun create -vserver fli_72C -path /vol/flivol/72Clun1 -ostype windows_2008 -foreign-disk D0i1E+G8Wg6m
    Created a LUN of size 3g (3224309760)
  12. 驗證新LUN。

    cluster::*> lun show -vserver fli_72C
    Vserver   Path                            State   Mapped   Type        Size
    --------- ------------------------------- ------- -------- -------- --------
    fli_72C   /vol/flivol/72Clun1             online  unmapped windows_2008
  13. 使用主機啟動器建立傳輸協定FCP的群組。

    cluster::*> lun igroup create -vserver fli_72C -igroup 72C_g1 -protocol fcp -ostype windows –initiator 10:00:00:00:c9:e6:e2:79
    cluster::*> lun igroup show -vserver fli_72C -igroup 72C_g1
              Vserver Name: fli_72C
               Igroup Name: 72C_g1
                  Protocol: fcp
                   OS Type: windows
    Portset Binding Igroup: -
               Igroup UUID: 7bc184b1-dcac-11e4-9a88-00a0981cc318
                      ALUA: true
                Initiators: 10:00:00:00:c9:e6:e2:79 (logged in)
  14. 將測試LUN對應至測試igroup。

    cluster::*> lun map -vserver fli_72C -path /vol/flivol/72Clun1 -igroup 72C_g1
    cluster::*> lun mapping show -vserver fli_72C
    Vserver    Path                                      Igroup   LUN ID  Protocol
    ---------- ----------------------------------------  -------  ------  --------
    fli_72C    /vol/flivol/72Clun1                       72C_g1        0  fcp
  15. 離線測試LUN。

    cluster::*> lun offline -vserver fli_72C -path /vol/flivol/72Clun1
    Warning: This command will take LUN "/vol/flivol/72Clun1" in Vserver "fli_72C" offline.
    Do you want to continue? {y|n}: y
    cluster::*> lun show -vserver fli_72C
    Vserver   Path                            State   Mapped   Type        Size
    --------- ------------------------------- ------- -------- -------- --------
    fli_72C   /vol/flivol/72Clun1             offline mapped   windows_2008
  16. 在新LUN與外部LUN之間建立匯入關係。

    cluster::*> lun import create -vserver fli_72C -path /vol/flivol/72Clun1 -foreign-disk D0i1E+G8Wg6m
    cluster::*> lun import show -vserver fli_72C -path /vol/flivol/72Clun1
    vserver foreign-disk   path                operation admin operational percent
                                             in progress state state       complete
    fli_72C D0i1E+G8Wg6m   /vol/flivol/72Clun1 import    stopped
                                                               stopped            0