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Install XCP NFS

Contributors netapp-pcarriga netapp-aoife netapp-cgoff netapp-barbe netapp-aherbin ciarm

This section details the system requirements and the procedures for the initial setup of XCP on a Linux client and the INI file configuration.

System Requirements

Item Requirement


64-bit Intel or AMD server, minimum 8 cores and 64 GB RAM

Operating System & Software

See the IMT for supported operating systems

Special Requirements

Network connectivity and root level access to source and destination NFSv3 exports

No other active applications


20 MB of disk space for the XCP binary and at least 50 MB of disk space for the logs that are stored in the /opt/NetApp/xFiles/xcp/ directory

Supported Protocol Version

NFSv3 and NFSv4 (POSIX and ACL)

Supported browser (File Analytics only)

Refer to the IMT matrix for all supported browser versions for XCP File Analytics.

Note The recommended configuration for live source migration is 8 cores and 64 GB RAM.

Install XCP NFS for a root user

You can use the following procedure to install XCP for a root user.

  1. Log in to the Linux machine as the root user and download and install the license:

    [root@scspr1980872003 ~]# ls -l
    total 36188
    -rw-r--r--  1 root root 37043983 Oct  5 09:36 NETAPP_XCP_<version>.tgz
    -rw-------. 1 root root     1994 Sep  4  2019 license
  2. To extract the tool, untar XCP:

    [root@scspr1980872003 ~]# tar -xvf NETAPP_XCP_<version>.tgz
    [root@scspr1980872003 ~]# ls
    NETAPP_XCP_<version>.tgz license xcp
    [root@scspr1980872003 ~]# cd xcp/linux/
    [root@scspr1980872003 linux]# ls
  3. Verify that the /opt/NetApp/xFiles/xcp path is available on the system from a previous version of XCP.

    If /opt/NetApp/xFiles/xcp is available, activate the license by using the xcp activate command and proceed with data migration.

    If /opt/NetApp/xFiles/xcp is not available, when you run the xcp activate command is run for the first time, the system creates the XCP host configuration directory in /opt/NetApp/xFiles/xcp.

    The xcp activate command fails because the license is not installed:

    [root@scspr1980872003 linux]# ./xcp activate
    (c) yyyy NetApp, Inc.
    xcp: Host config file not found. Creating sample at '/opt/NetApp/xFiles/xcp/xcp.ini'
    xcp: ERROR: License file /opt/NetApp/xFiles/xcp/license not found.
    Register for a license at
  4. Copy the license to /opt/NetApp/xFiles/xcp/:

    [root@scspr1980872003 linux]# cp ~/license /opt/NetApp/xFiles/xcp/
  5. Verify that the license file was copied to /opt/NetApp/xFiles/xcp/:

    [root@ scspr1980872003 ~]# ls -altr /opt/NetApp/xFiles/xcp/
    total 44
    drwxr-xr-x 3 root root    17 Oct  1 06:07 ..
    -rw-r--r-- 1 root root   304 Oct  1 06:07 license
    drwxr-xr-x 2 root root     6 Oct  1 10:16 xcpfalogs
    drwxr-xr-x 2 root root    21 Oct  1 10:16 xcplogs
    -rw-r--r-- 1 root root   110 Oct  5 00:48 xcp.ini
    drwxr-xr-x 4 root root    83 Oct  5 00:48 .
    [root@scspr1978802001 ~]#
  6. Activate XCP:

    [root@scspr1980872003 linux]# ./xcp activate
    XCP <version>; (c) yyyy NetApp, Inc.;
    XCP activated

Install XCP for a non-root user

You can use the following procedure to install XCP for a non-root user.

  1. Log in to the Linux machine as the non-root user and download and install the license:

    [user1@scspr2474004001 ~]$ ls -l
    total 36640
    -rwxr-xr-x 1 user1 user1      352 Sep 20 01:56 license
    -rw-r--r-- 1 user1 user1 37512339 Sep 20 01:56 NETAPP_XCP_Nightly_dev.tgz
    [user1@scspr2474004001 ~]$
  2. To extract the tool, untar XCP:

    [user1@scspr2474004001 ~]$ tar -xvf NETAPP_XCP_Nightly_dev.tar
    [user1@scspr2474004001 ~]$ cd xcp/linux/
    [user1@scspr2474004001 linux]$ ls
    [user1@scspr2474004001 linux]$
  3. Verify that the /home/user1/NetApp/xFiles/xcp path is available on the system from a previous version of XCP.

    If the /home/user1/NetApp/xFiles/xcp path is available, activate the license by using the xcp activate command and proceeding with data migration.

    If /home/user1/NetApp/xFiles/xcp is not available, when you run the xcp activate command for the first time, the system creates the XCP host configuration directory in /home/user1/NetApp/xFiles/xcp.

    The xcp activate command fails because the license is not installed:

    [user1@scspr2474004001 linux]$ /home/user1/xcp/linux/xcp activate
    (c) yyyy NetApp, Inc.
    xcp: Host config file not found. Creating sample at '/home/user1/NetApp/xFiles/xcp/xcp.ini'
    xcp: ERROR: License file /home/user1/NetApp/xFiles/xcp/license not found.
    Register for a license at
    [user1@scspr2474004001 linux]$
  4. Copy the license to /home/user1/NetApp/xFiles/xcp/:

    [user1@scspr2474004001 linux]$ cp ~/license /home/user1/NetApp/xFiles/xcp/
    [user1@scspr2474004001 linux]$
  5. Verify that the license file was copied to /home/user1/NetApp/xFiles/xcp/:

    [user1@scspr2474004001 xcp]$ ls -ltr
    total 8
    drwxrwxr-x 2 user1 user1  21 Sep 20 02:04 xcplogs
    -rw-rw-r-- 1 user1 user1  71 Sep 20 02:04 xcp.ini
    -rwxr-xr-x 1 user1 user1 352 Sep 20 02:10 license
    [user1@scspr2474004001 xcp]$
  6. Activate XCP:

    [user1@scspr2474004001 linux]$ ./xcp activate
    (c) yyyy NetApp, Inc.
    XCP activated
    [user1@scspr2474004001 linux]$