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Astra Automation 22.04
A newer release of this product is available.

List the notifications

Contributors dmp-netapp

You can list the notifications for a specific Astra account. You might do this as part of monitoring the system activity or debugging an issue.

1. List the notifications

Perform the following REST API call.

HTTP method Path



Additional input parameters

In addition to the parameters common with all REST API calls, the following parameters are also used in the curl examples for this step.

Parameter Type Required Description




Optionally filter the notifications you want returned in the response.




Optionally select the values you want returned in the response.

Curl example: Return all notifications
curl --location -i --request GET '<ACCOUNT_ID>/core/v1/notifications' --header 'Accept: */*' --header 'Authorization: Bearer <API_TOKEN>'
Curl example: Return the description for notifications with severity of warning
curl --location -i --request GET '<ACCOUNT_ID>/core/v1/notifications?filter=severity%20eq%20'warning'&include=description' --header 'Accept: */*' --header 'Authorization: Bearer <API_TOKEN>'
JSON output example
  "items": [
      "Trident on cluster david-ie-00 has failed or timed out; installation of the Trident operator failed or is not yet complete; operator failed to reach an installed state within 300.00 seconds; container trident-operator not found in operator deployment"
      "Trident on cluster david-ie-00 has failed or timed out; installation of the Trident operator failed or is not yet complete; operator failed to reach an installed state within 300.00 seconds; container trident-operator not found in operator deployment"
  "metadata": {}