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Google Cloud Storage

Add Google Cloud Storage buckets

Contributors netapp-tonacki

Once your Google Cloud Storage working environment is available in the Canvas, you can add additional buckets directly from BlueXP.

  1. From the Canvas, double-click the Google Cloud Storage working environment to view the Google Cloud Storage buckets Overview page, and click Add bucket.

    A screenshot that shows the details of an Google Cloud Storage working environment and the Add bucket button.

    The Add bucket page is displayed.

    A screenshot showing the Add Bucket page so you can create your own Google Cloud Storage bucket.

  2. Enter the required information in the Project details section.

    Field Description

    Bucket name

    Enter the name you want to use for the bucket. See the Google Cloud documentation for naming requirements.

    Google project

    Select the Google project that will be the owner of the bucket. This can be the primary project where the Connector was deployed, or it can be a different project.

    If you don't see any additional projects in the drop-down list, then you haven't yet associated the BlueXP service account with other projects. Go to the Google Cloud console, open the IAM service, and select the project. Add the service account with the BlueXP role to that project. You'll need to repeat this step for each project.

    Note This is the service account that you set up for BlueXP, as described on this page.


    Labels are metadata for your Google Cloud resources. You can add up to 10 label key:value pairs when creating a bucket.

  3. In the Location section, select the location type and region (or regions) where the bucket will be created. You can select from three different types of locations.

    If you select the "Location type"…​ Then select…​


    A single region from the "Available regions" field.


    The geographic location (a single continent) from the "Available locations" field, and then select two regions in the "Available regions" field.

    You can enable "Turbo replication" if you want to guarantee geo-redundancy for all newly written objects within a target of 15 minutes.


    The geographic multi-region from the "Available multi-regions" field.

    Note that all Cloud Storage data is redundant across at least two zones within at least one geographic place as soon as you upload it. See the Google Cloud documentation for more information about bucket locations.

  4. In the Storage class section, select the storage class that will be used for objects in your bucket. You can select from among four storage classes, or you can select Autoclass to have Google adjust the class as needed.

    Storage class Description


    Standard storage is best for data that is frequently accessed ("hot" data) and/or stored for only brief periods of time.


    Nearline storage is a low-cost, highly durable storage service for storing infrequently accessed data.


    Coldline storage is a very-low-cost, highly durable storage service for storing infrequently accessed data.


    Archive storage is the lowest-cost, highly durable storage service for data archiving, online backup, and disaster recovery.


    Autoclass automatically transitions objects in your bucket to the appropriate storage classes based on each object's access pattern.

    The cost and retrieval fees are different for each storage class. See the Google Cloud documentation for more information about storage classes.

  5. In the Protection section, choose whether you want to use any data protection tools to protect objects in the bucket, or any data encryption configuration to protect access to your data.

    Data protection Description


    By default, no protection tools are enabled on the bucket.

    Object versioning

    The bucket will retain a noncurrent object version each time you update, replace, or delete a live object version - continuously maintaining a protected version of the object. When you select "Object versioning" you can specify two options:

    • Max. number of versions per object - Enter the number of noncurrent versions per object that will be created.

    • Expire noncurrent versions after - Enter the number of days after which the older, noncurrent objects will be removed.

    Retention policy

    A retention policy ensures that all current and future objects in the bucket cannot be deleted or replaced until they reach the age you define in the retention policy. When you select "Retention policy" you can specify two options:

    • Retain objects for - Enter the number of seconds, days, months, or years that objects will be retained.

    • Time frame - Select whether the time is in seconds, days, months, or years.

    The object versioning and retention policy protection tools can't be enabled at the same time. See the Google Cloud documentation for more information about object versioning, and more information about retention policies.

    Data encryption Description

    Google-managed encryption key

    By default, Google-managed encryption keys are used to used to encrypt your data.

    Customer-managed encryption key (CMEK)

    You can use your own customer-managed keys for data encryption instead of using the default Google-managed encryption keys. If you're planning to use your own customer-managed keys, you'll need to have created them already so you can select the Keys in this page.

    The keys can be in the same Project as the bucket, or you can select a different Project.

  6. Click Add and the bucket is created.