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Element Software
12.5 and 12.7

Request endpoints

Contributors netapp-pcarriga

There are three types of request endpoints used in the API (storage cluster, storage cluster creation, and per-node). You should always use the latest endpoint supported by your version of Element software.

The three request endpoints in the API are designated in the following ways:

Cluster API methods

The HTTPS endpoint for storage-cluster-wide API requests is https://<mvip>/json-rpc/<api-version>, where:

  • <mvip> is the management virtual IP address for the storage cluster.

  • <api-version> is the version of the API you are using.

Cluster creation and bootstrap API methods

The HTTPS endpoint for creating a storage cluster and accessing bootstrap API requests is https://<nodeIP>/json-rpc/<api-version>, where:

  • <nodeIP> is the IP address of the node you are adding to the cluster.

  • <api-version> is the version of the API you are using.

Per-node API methods

The HTTPS endpoint for individual storage node API requests is https://<nodeIP>:442/json-rpc/<api-version>, where:

  • <nodeIP> is the management IP address of the storage node; 442 is the port the HTTPS server is running on.

  • <api-version> is the version of the API you are using.