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Element Software
12.5 and 12.7

Network settings details from the per-node UI

Contributors netapp-pcarriga netapp-yvonneo

You can change the storage node network settings to give the node a new set of network attributes.

You can see the network settings for a storage node on the Network Settings page when you log in to the node (https://<node IP>:442/hcc/node/network-settings). You can select either Bond1G (management) or Bond10G (storage) settings. The following list describes the settings that you can modify when a storage node is in Available, Pending, or Active state:

  • Method

    The method used to configure the interface. Possible methods:

    • loopback: Used to define the IPv4 loopback interface.

    • manual: Used to define interfaces for which no configuration is done by default.

    • dhcp: Used to obtain an IP address via DHCP.

    • static: Used to define Ethernet interfaces with statically allocated IPv4 addresses.

  • Link Speed

    The speed negotiated by the virtual NIC.

  • IPv4 Address

    The IPv4 address for the eth0 network.

  • IPv4 Subnet Mask

    Address subdivisions of the IPv4 network.

  • IPv4 Gateway Address

    Router network address to send packets out of the local network.

  • IPv6 Address

    The IPv6 address for the eth0 network.

  • IPv6 Gateway Address

    Router network address to send packets out of the local network.

  • MTU

    Largest packet size that a network protocol can transmit. Must be greater than or equal to 1500. If you add a second storage NIC, the value should be 9000.

  • DNS Servers

    Network interface used for cluster communication.

  • Search Domains

    Search for additional MAC addresses available to the system.

  • Bond Mode

    Can be one of the following modes:

    • ActivePassive (default)

    • ALB

    • LACP

  • Status

    Possible values:

    • UpAndRunning

    • Down

    • Up

  • Virtual Network Tag

    Tag assigned when the virtual network was created.

  • Routes

    Static routes to specific hosts or networks via the associated interface the routes are configured to use.