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Powering your NetApp HCI system off or on

Contributors netapp-yvonneo netapp-pcarriga

You can power off or power on your NetApp HCI system if you have a scheduled outage, need to perform hardware maintenance, or need to expand the system. Use the following tasks to power off or power on your NetApp HCI system as required.

You might need to power off your NetApp HCI system under a number of different circumstances, such as:

  • Scheduled outages

  • Chassis fan replacements

  • Firmware upgrades

  • Storage or compute resource expansion

The following is an overview of the tasks you need to complete to power off a NetApp HCI system:

  • Power off all virtual machines except the VMware vCenter server (vCSA).

  • Power off all ESXi servers except the one hosting the vCSA.

  • Power off the vCSA.

  • Power off the NetApp HCI storage system.

The following is an overview of the tasks you need to complete to power on a NetApp HCI system:

  • Power on all physical storage nodes.

  • Power on all physical compute nodes.

  • Power on the vCSA.

  • Verify the system and power on additional virtual machines.

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