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ONTAP commands
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security key-manager external gcp show

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Display Google Cloud KMS configuration

Availability: This command is available to cluster and Vserver administrators at the admin privilege level.


This command displays the Google Cloud Key Management Service (GCKMS) configuration.


{ [-fields <fieldname>,…​]

If you specify the -fields <fieldname>, …​ parameter, the command output also includes the specified field or fields. You can use '-fields ?' to display the fields to specify.

| [-instance ] }

If you specify the -instance parameter, the command displays detailed information about all fields.

[-vserver <Vserver Name>] - Vserver

If you specify this parameter, then the command displays only the GCKMS configuration for the given Vserver.

[-project-id <text>] - Google Cloud KMS Project (Application) ID

If you specify this parameter, then the command displays only the GCKMS configuration with the given project id.

[-key-ring-name <text>] - Google Cloud KMS Key Ring Name

If you specify this parameter, then the command displays only the GCKMS configuration with the given key ring name.

[-key-ring-location <text>] - Google Cloud KMS Key Ring Location

If you specify this parameter, then the command displays only the GCKMS configuration with the given key ring location.

[-key-name <text>] - Google Cloud KMS Key Encryption Key Name

If you specify this parameter, then the command displays only the GCKMS configuration with the given key name.

[-state {available|not-responding|unknown}] - Google Cloud KMS Cluster State

If you specify this parameter, then the command displays only the GCKMS configuration with the given state. The state can be either available or unknown.

[-unavailable-nodes <text>] - Names of Unavailable Nodes

If you specify this parameter, then the command displays only the GCKMS configuration with the given unavailable-nodes.


The following example lists all Vservers with GCKMS configuration.

cluster-1::>security key-manager external gcp show
            Vserver: SAMPLE_VSERVER
         Project ID: SAMPLE_PROJECT_ID
           Key Name: SAMPLE_KEY_NAME

Key Ring Name                                State
------------------------------------------   -------
SAMPLE_KEY_RING_NAME                         unknown
Unavailable Nodes:                           node1