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ONTAP commands
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volume efficiency stop

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Stop efficiency operation on a volume

Availability: This command is available to cluster and Vserver administrators at the admin privilege level.


Use the volume efficiency stop command to stop an efficiency operation. This command is not supported on Infinite Volumes that are managed by storage services.


-vserver <vserver name> - Vserver Name

This specifies the Vserver on which the volume is located.

{ -volume <volume name> - Volume Name

This specifies the name of the volume on which efficiency operation needs to be stopped.

| -path </vol/volume> - Volume Path }

This specifies the volume path on which efficiency operation needs to be stopped.

[-a, -all <true>] - Stop All Operations

This specifies both active and queued efficiency operations to be aborted.


The following examples stop efficiency on a volume.

cluster1::> volume efficiency stop -vserver vs1 -volume vol1
cluster1::> volume efficiency stop -vserver vs1 -volume vol1 -all