A newer release of this product is available.
netif.hangdetected events
- Severity
- Description
This message occurs when a network interface driver detects that an interface is hung.
- Corrective Action
If hardware is reset and there are no further hangs, no corrective action is required. Otherwise, if the system reports frequent hangs, a core dump is forced, or no action is taken by the driver, contact NetApp technical support.
- Syslog Message
Network interface %s hung (%s). %s. Driver: %s.
- Parameters
ifName (STRING): Name of the network interface: for example, "e4a".
hangType (STRING): Type of hang. For example, "transmit", "PCIe RcvMstAbt".
recoveryAction (STRING): Action, if any, that will be taken by the driver to recover. For example, "Resetting to recover" or "Forcing panic for core dump" (for root cause analysis).
driver (STRING): Driver name.