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ONTAP EMS reference
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netif.hangdetected events

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This message occurs when a network interface driver detects that an interface is hung.

Corrective Action

If hardware is reset and there are no further hangs, no corrective action is required. Otherwise, if the system reports frequent hangs, a core dump is forced, or no action is taken by the driver, contact NetApp technical support.

Syslog Message

Network interface %s hung (%s). %s. Driver: %s.


ifName (STRING): Name of the network interface: for example, "e4a".
hangType (STRING): Type of hang. For example, "transmit", "PCIe RcvMstAbt".
recoveryAction (STRING): Action, if any, that will be taken by the driver to recover. For example, "Resetting to recover" or "Forcing panic for core dump" (for root cause analysis).
driver (STRING): Driver name.