A newer release of this product is available.
vifmgr.unabletohostmovedlif events
- Severity
- Description
This message occurs when an attempt to move a logical interface (LIF) IP address to a specific node/port failed, and a subsequent attempt was made to move that LIF to another location.
- Corrective Action
- Syslog Message
LIF %s (on virtual server %s), IP address %s, could not be hosted and is being moved to node %s, port %s (error %s).
- Parameters
vifname (STRING): Name of the LIF that is being moved.
vsrvid (STRING): Name of the virtual server identifier on which this LIF resides.
vifip (STRING): The logical interface's IP address that is being moved.
tonode (STRING): Name of the node to where the LIF is moving.
toport (STRING): Name of the port to where the LIF is moving.
error (STRING): Error that was reported.