vs.multiple events

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- Severity
- Description
This message occurs when more than one Vserver audit consolidation jobs is found.
- Corrective Action
Check Vserver audit configuration. If enabled, disable it using the following commands: cluster::> vserver audit show cluster::> vserver audit disable -vserver Check for Vserver audit consolidation jobs. If still present, delete the jobs using the following commands: cluster::> job show cluster::> job expunge -id Check for consolidation processes. If any still exist, kill the processes using the following commands from systemshell: > ps -auxw | grep adtcons > sudo kill -9 "pid of the process" Enable the Vserver audit configuration by using the following command: cluster::> vserver audit enable
- Syslog Message
More than one Vserver audit consolidation jobs found for Vserver %s.
- Parameters
vserver (STRING): Name of the Vserver that has more than one consolidation job.