wafl.shutdown events

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- Severity
- Description
This message occurs during shutdown, to indicate that a volume has not been marked clean. By itself, this is not necessarily a problem. When this event occurs in conjunction with WAFL inconsistency panics or higher-severity EMS events, this message can indicate a potential source of the inconsistencies.
- Corrective Action
No immediate action is required. If this message occurs in conjunction with WAFL inconsistency panics or other EMS messages, contact NetApp technical support.
- Syslog Message
%s %s%s%s%s not marked clean (volume state is %s).
- Parameters
type (STRING): Type of object (volume/aggregate).
owner (STRING): Owner of the volume.
vol (STRING): Name of the volume.
app (STRING): Application UUID.
volident (STRING): Unique identifier of the volume when the volume name by itself is insufficient.
state (STRING): State of the volume.