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ONTAP EMS reference
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This message occurs when Distributed Block Store (DBS) detects a software version mismatch in the cluster.

Corrective Action

Bring the node out of maintenance mode. Check for cluster faults and upgrade again if the faults are cleared.

Syslog Message

DBS has detected a software upgrade that has failed. Cluster fault node %u, node UUID %s, type %s, fault ID %u, status %u. %s


nodeID (INT): Node ID number of the associated node.
nodeUuid (STRING): Node UUID string of the associated node.
cfType (STRING): DBS cluster fault type of the associated object.
cfID (INT): DBS cluster fault ID number associated with the fault.
cfStatus (INT): Current status of the cluster fault. 1 = New (just reported), 2 = Existing (updated), 3 = Resolved (closed).
cfDetails (STRING): Details of the software version that did not upgrade properly.
cfExtSrc (STRING): DBS cluster fault externalSource label created by the CreateClusterFault API command and attached to the fault for testing purposes.