km.volume events

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- Severity
- Description
This message occurs during the recovery of the key manager when a volume is placed online, but fails to mount. Volumes need to be mounted manually.
- Corrective Action
The volume needs to be mounted manually with the provided junction using the "volume mount" command.
- Syslog Message
Vserver "%s" failed to mount volume: "%s" to junction path: "%s" during key manager recovery.
- Parameters
vserver (STRING): Name of the Vserver that owns the volumes being placed online.
volume (STRING): Name of the the volume being placed online.
junction (STRING): Name of the junction path to mount.
- Severity
- Description
This message occurs during recovery of the key manager when a junction path cannot identify the volume to mount. Pair the supplied junction with its volume and mount manually.
- Corrective Action
The volumes are online but need to be mounted manually using the "volume mount" command.
- Syslog Message
During health monitor recovery of the key manager on Vserver "%s", the junction path "%s" cannot be associated with the volume to mount.
- Parameters
vserver (STRING): Name of the Vserver that owns the volume that could not be mounted.
junction (STRING): Name of the junction path to mount.