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- Severity
- Description
This message occurs when ONTAP®software fails to get a drives's capacity after an extended wait. As a result, cannot add the drive.
- Corrective Action
Ensure that the hypervisor's device is still connected and accessible by ONTAP.
- Syslog Message
Failed to get drive capacity for device %s%d after %d seconds.
- Parameters
devname (STRING): Name of the device.
unit (INT): Unit number of the device.
wait_time (INT): Number of seconds waited for capacity information.
- Severity
- Description
This message occurs when block read operation for the passthrough host adapter (PHA) disk header returns an error. As a result, Data ONTAP® is unable to add or manage this device.
- Corrective Action
Ensure that the device is still connected to and accessible by Data ONTAP® and retry the operation.
- Syslog Message
Failed to get UUID for device %s%d. Reason: Block read operation returned an error: 0x%x.
- Parameters
devname (STRING): Name of the device.
unit (INT): Unit number of the device.
bio_error (INTHEX): Error code returned by block read operation.
- Severity
- Description
This message occurs when Data ONTAP® fails to get disk header after multiple retries and finally give up. As a result, Data ONTAP® is unable to add the disk.
- Corrective Action
Ensure that the device is still connected to and accessible by Data ONTAP® and retry the operation.
- Syslog Message
Failed to get disk header for device %s%d. Number of bioerr %d Retries %d.
- Parameters
devname (STRING): Name of the device.
unit (INT): Unit number of the device.
bioerr_cnt (INT): Number of BIO errors.
retry_cnt (INT): Number of retries.
- Severity
- Description
This message occurs when Data ONTAP® fails to retrieve the the descriptor for the passthrough host adapter (PHA) device. As a result, Data ONTAP® fails to read the header on this device and is unable to add or manage it.
- Corrective Action
Ensure that the device is still connected to and accessible by Data ONTAP® and retry the operation.
- Syslog Message
Failed to retrieve the descriptor for device %s%d. Reason: %s.
- Parameters
devname (STRING): Name of the device.
unit (INT): Unit number of the device.
error (STRING): Error message.
- Severity
- Description
This message occurs when a disk header operation encounters a device error. As a result, ONTAP® might be unable to add or manage this device.
- Corrective Action
Ensure that the device is still connected to and accessible by ONTAP. If the device is reported as healthy by the hypervisor, contact NetApp technical support to open a support case to investigate the underlying cause.
- Syslog Message
Functional operation "%s" failed for device %s%d. Error number: 0x%x, CAM status: 0x%x, SCSI (status: 0x%x, sense key: x%x, sense code: 0x%x, additional sense code: 0x%x, additional sense code qualifier: 0x%x).
- Parameters
operation (STRING): Name of the functional operation.
devname (STRING): Name of the device.
unit (INT): Unit number of the device.
bio_error (INTHEX): Error code returned by the device.
cam_status (INTHEX): Common Access Method (CAM) status code returned by the device.
scsi_status (INTHEX): SCSI status code returned by the device, if available.
error_code (INTHEX): SCSI error code returned by the device, if available.
sense_key (INTHEX): SCSI sense key returned by the device, if available.
asc (INTHEX): SCSI additional sense code returned by the device, if available.
ascq (INTHEX): SCSI additional sense code qualifier returned by the device, if available.
- Severity
- Description
This message occurs when Data ONTAP® fails to write the header to the passthrough host adapter (PHA) device. As a result, Data ONTAP® is unable to add or manage this device.
- Corrective Action
Ensure that the device is still connected to and accessible by Data ONTAP® and retry the operation.
- Syslog Message
Failed to write header to the device %s%d.
- Parameters
devname (STRING): Name of the device.
unit (INT): Unit number of the device.