mgmt.snapmir events

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- Severity
- Description
This message occurs when the destination volume of a SnapMirror® relationship is not of -type Data Protection (DP) or Load Sharing (LS), and a 'snapmirror initialize' operation is attempted. A volume must be of -type DP or LS to accept a 'snapmirror initialize' operation.
- Corrective Action
Use a different volume of -type DP or LS, or use the 'volume create' command to create a new volume of -type DP or LS to use as a destination of the SnapMirror relationship. You cannot modify the type of a volume using the 'volume modify' command.
- Syslog Message
Destination volume '%s' of a SnapMirror relationship is not of -type DP or LS. Job ID %llu.
- Parameters
dstpath (STRING): Path name of the destination volume of the SnapMirror relationship.
jobID (LONGINT): Job ID.
- Severity
- Description
This message occurs when a bucket could not be deleted during a cleanup of a SnapMirror restore or create operation. Because the operation did not complete successfully, the bucket might be left in an inconsistent state.
- Corrective Action
Use the "object-store-server bucket delete" command to delete the bucket.
- Syslog Message
Bucket "%s" could not be deleted as part of the clean up of a SnapMirror create or restore operation.
- Parameters
bucket (STRING): Name of the bucket in the SnapMirror relationship.
- Severity
- Description
This message occurs when the cleanup of a link failed when it encountered an error during a SnapMirror create operation. Because the link could not be cleaned up properly, the bucket could be in an inconsistent state and might not be able to accept any traffic. Also, if the links are not cleaned up, a new SnapMirror relationship cannot be established with these two buckets.
- Corrective Action
Run the "snapmirror delete" command to delete the link.
- Syslog Message
Cleanup of the link between buckets "%s" and "%s" failed with error "%s".
- Parameters
sourceBucket (STRING): Name of the source bucket in the SnapMirror relationship.
destBucket (STRING): Name of the destination bucket in the SnapMirror relationship.
error (STRING): Error that was encountered.
- Severity
- Description
This message occurs when the remote bucket was not demoted during a failover operation. This could allow the remote bucket to still accept the traffic even though it is no longer permitted to so. Use the "demote bucket" command to avoid this situation.
- Corrective Action
Use the "fabriclink demote-bucket" command in the cluster where remote bucket "%s" is located.
- Syslog Message
Failover failed for remote bucket "%s".
- Parameters
remoteBucket (STRING): Name of the remote bucket for which the failover operation failed.
- Severity
- Description
This message occurs when the links on a remote cluster could not be modified during the execution of the "snapmirror modify" command. Even though the SnapMirror policy was modified, some of the links on the remote cluster could not be updated with new rpo/ throttle values. There is no detectable impact until a failover is performed. Only when a failover is performed would the reverse link be used, and it would still be functional even if the links on the remote cluster were not updated previously. They would just be using old rpo/throttle values.
- Corrective Action
- Syslog Message
Links on remote cluster "%s" were not modified.
- Parameters
clusterUuid (STRING): Cluster UUID of the cluster where the links were not updated.
- Severity
- Description
This message occurs when objects in a restore bucket were not deleted during the cleanup of a SnapMirror restore operation. The restore bucket has objects in it even though the restore relationship no longer exists.
- Corrective Action
Delete the objects in bucket "%s".
- Syslog Message
Objects in bucket "%s" were not deleted during a restore failure cleanup.
- Parameters
restoreBucket (STRING): Name of the restore bucket in the SnapMirror relationship.
- Severity
- Description
This message occurs when the deletion of objects and the cleanup of link failed when the operations encountered an error during a SnapMirror restore operation. Because the link could not be cleaned up properly, the bucket could be in an inconsistent state and might not be able to accept any traffic. Also, if the links are not cleaned up, a new SnapMirror relationship cannot be established with these two buckets.
- Corrective Action
Run the "snapmirror delete" command to delete the link. 2. Delete the objects in the restore bucket.
- Syslog Message
Cleanup of the link between buckets "%s" and "%s" failed with error "%s" and the objects in the restore bucket could not be deleted.
- Parameters
sourceBucket (STRING): Name of the source bucket in the SnapMirror relationship.
destBucket (STRING): Name of the destination bucket in the SnapMirror relationship.
error (STRING): Error that was encountered.
- Severity
- Description
This message occurs when the cleanup of a link failed when it encountered an error during a SnapMirror restore operation. Because the link could not be cleaned up properly, the bucket could be in an inconsistent state and might not be able to accept any traffic. Also, if the links are not cleaned up, a new SnapMirror relationship cannot be established with these two buckets.
- Corrective Action
Run the "snapmirror delete" command to delete the link.
- Syslog Message
Cleanup of the link between buckets "%s" and "%s" failed with error "%s".
- Parameters
sourceBucket (STRING): Name of the source bucket in the SnapMirror relationship.
destBucket (STRING): Name of the destination bucket in the SnapMirror relationship.
error (STRING): Error that was encountered.
- Severity
- Description
This message occurs when a SnapMirror® 'initialize' or 'initialize-ls-set' command fails and no more retries will be attempted.
- Corrective Action
Check the reason for the error, take action accordingly, and issue the command again.
- Syslog Message
Initialize from source volume '%s' to destination volume(s) '%s' failed with error '%s'. Job ID %llu.
- Parameters
srcpath (STRING): Path name of the source volume of the SnapMirror relationship.
dstpaths (STRING): Path names of the destination volumes to which the initialize failed.
error (STRING): Error message.
jobID (LONGINT): Job ID.
- Severity
- Description
This message occurs when a catch-up update for a lagging member in a load-sharing set fails.
- Corrective Action
Check the reason for the error and take action accordingly.
- Syslog Message
Load-share catch-up update transfer from source volume '%s' to destination volume '%s' failed with error '%s'. Job ID %llu.
- Parameters
srcpath (STRING): Path name of the source volume of the SnapMirror® relationship.
dstpath (STRING): Path name of the destination volume to which the catch-up update transfer failed.
error (STRING): Error message.
jobID (LONGINT): Job ID.
- Severity
- Description
This message occurs when a SnapMirror® 'resync' command fails and no more retries will be attempted.
- Corrective Action
Check the reason for the error, take action accordingly, and issue the command again.
- Syslog Message
Resync from source volume '%s' to destination volume '%s' failed with error '%s'. Job ID %llu.
- Parameters
srcpath (STRING): Path name of the source volume of the SnapMirror relationship.
dstpath (STRING): Path name of the destination volume to which the resync failed.
error (STRING): Error message.
jobID (LONGINT): Job ID.
- Severity
- Description
This message occurs when a scheduled SnapMirror® transfer fails and no automatic retry will be attempted until the next scheduled transfer.
- Corrective Action
Check the reason for the error and take action accordingly.
- Syslog Message
Scheduled transfer from source volume '%s' to destination volume(s) '%s' failed with error '%s'. Job ID %llu.
- Parameters
srcpath (STRING): Path name of the source volume of the SnapMirror relationship.
dstpaths (STRING): Path names of the destination volumes to which the scheduled transfer failed.
error (STRING): Error message.
jobID (LONGINT): Job ID.
- Severity
- Description
This message occurs when a scheduled SnapMirror® transfer overruns the schedule window.
- Corrective Action
Check the reason for the schedule overrun and take action accordingly.
- Syslog Message
Scheduled transfer from source volume '%s' to destination volume(s) '%s' is taking longer than the schedule window. Job ID %llu.
- Parameters
srcpath (STRING): Path name of the source volume of the SnapMirror relationship.
dstpaths (STRING): Path names of the destination volumes of the scheduled transfer.
jobID (LONGINT): Job ID.
- Severity
- Description
This message occurs when a SnapMirror operation encounters an unexpected error. JobID might be zero if the job ID could not be determined at the time the error was generated.
- Corrective Action
If the problem persists, contact NetApp technical support.
- Syslog Message
SnapMirror unexpected error '%s'. Job ID %llu.
- Parameters
error (STRING): Error message.
jobID (LONGINT): Job ID.
- Severity
- Description
This message occurs when a SnapMirror® 'update' or 'update-ls-set' command fails and no more retries will be attempted.
- Corrective Action
Check the reason for the error, take action accordingly, and issue the command again.
- Syslog Message
Update from source volume '%s' to destination volume(s) '%s' failed with error '%s'. Job ID %llu.
- Parameters
srcpath (STRING): Path name of the source volume of the SnapMirror relationship.
dstpaths (STRING): Path names of the destination volumes to which the update failed.
error (STRING): Error message.
jobID (LONGINT): Job ID.