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ONTAP EMS reference
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nvmens.smbc events

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This message occurs when an NVMe namespace is partially restored to a SnapMirror Business Continuity (SMBC) volume because the SMBC volume does not support NVMe namespace.

Corrective Action

Restore of NVMe namespace to the SMBC volume is not supported although it is partially created on the SMBC volume as part of restore. The NVMe namespace needs to be manually deleted. Contact NetApp technical support for assistance.

Syslog Message

NVMe namespace "%s" is not supported on SMBC volume "%s" (DSID %llu).


path (STRING): Path for the NVMe namespace that has been restored.
volume_name (STRING): Name of the containing volume.
volume_dsid (LONGINT): Dataset ID (DSID) of the containing volume.