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fg.multidelete events
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- Severity
- Description
This message occurs when a Snapshot copy in an invalid state is deleted from a FlexGroup volume. For example, if a Snapshot copy creation fails on some constituent volumes of a FlexGroup volume, but succeeds on others, it is deemed invalid and deleted by ONTAP.
- Corrective Action
- Syslog Message
Invalid Snapshot copy ID "%u" on FlexGroup volume "%s" is being deleted (UUID: %s, MSID: %llx).
- Parameters
snapid (INT): ID of the invalid Snapshot copy to be deleted.
flexgroup_name (STRING): Name of the FlexGroup volume.
flexgroup_uuid (STRING): UUID of the FlexGroup volume.
flexgroup_msid (LONGINTHEX): Master Data Set ID (MSID) of the FlexGroup volume.