vserver.storage events

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- Severity
- Description
This message occurs when the Storage of Vserver is full.
- Corrective Action
Increase the available size of Vserver either by raising storage-limit or by downsizing or deleting volumes.
- Syslog Message
Vserver "%s" is full by consuming the storage limit "%s".
- Parameters
vserver_name (STRING): Vserver name for which the storage is full.
storage_limit (STRING): The storage-limit for the Vserver.
- Severity
- Description
This message occurs when the Vserver storage size exceeds 95% of the storage limit.
- Corrective Action
Increase the available size of Vserver either by raising storage-limit or by downsizing or deleting volumes.
- Syslog Message
Vserver "%s" with current storage size of "%s" has exceeded "95%%" of storage limit "%s".
- Parameters
vserver_name (STRING): Vserver name for which the storage size has exceeded 95% of the storage limit.
storage_size (STRING): The storage used size of the Vserver.
storage_limit (STRING): The storage-limit for the Vserver.
- Severity
- Description
This message occurs when tenant has exceeded the capacity quota allotted to the Vserver. The checker automatically deselects this mismatch and attempts a fix. To see details including the updated size use "vserver show -fields storage-limit,storage-allocated,storage-reserved" command.
- Corrective Action
- Syslog Message
Vserver "%s" size "%s" has exceeded storage capacity quota of "%s".
- Parameters
vserver_name (STRING): The Vserver whose size exceeded the capacity quota alloted to the tenant.
vserver_size (STRING): Vserver's size allotted up to a point to the tenant.
capacity_limit (STRING): Capacity limit allotted to the Vserver.
- Severity
- Description
This message occurs when the Vserver's size allotted to the tenant up to a point does not match sum of all the volume's provisioned size that can be used to enforce Vserver capacity quota. The checker automatically deselects this mismatch and attempts a fix. To see details including the updated size use "vserver show -fields storage-limit,storage-allocated,storage-reserved" command.
- Corrective Action
- Syslog Message
Vserver "%s" size allocated to the tenant up to a point "%s" does not match sum of all the volume's provisioned size "%s".
- Parameters
vserver_name (STRING): Vserver for which the size allotted to the tenant up to a point does not match sum of all the volume's provisioned size.
vserver_size (STRING): Vserver's size allotted up to a point to the tenant.
provisioned_size (STRING): Sum of all the volume's provisioned size in Vserver.
- Severity
- Description
This message occurs when the Vserver storage size exceeds the storage-limit-threshold-alert value.
- Corrective Action
Increase the available size of Vserver either by raising storage-limit or by downsizing or deleting volumes.
- Syslog Message
Vserver "%s" with current storage size of "%s" has exceeded "%s%%" of storage limit "%s".
- Parameters
vserver_name (STRING): Vserver name for which the storage size has exceeded the storage-limit-threshold-alert value.
storage_size (STRING): The storage used size of the Vserver.
storage_limit_threshold (STRING): The storage-limit-threshold-alert value of the Vserver.
storage_limit (STRING): The storage-limit for the Vserver.