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fg.member events

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This message occurs when a members available space is below the threshold. ONTAP will be reporting zero space for the entire flexgroup.

Corrective Action

Correct the problem based on the reason specified. If the error persists, contact NetApp technical support for further assistance.

Syslog Message

FlexGroup volume "%s" (Size: "%lu", Usage: "%lu"%%) has member volume "%s" (Size: "%lu", Usage: "%lu"%%) that is at or below the free space threshold of "%lu" blocks.


flexgroupName (STRING): Name of the FlexGroup volume.
flexgroupSize (LONGINT): Size in blocks of the FlexGroup volume.
flexgroupUsage (LONGINT): Usage percentage of the FlexGroup volume.
memberName (STRING): Name of the FlexGroup member volume.
memberSize (LONGINT): Size in blocks of the FlexGroup member volume.
memberUsage (LONGINT): Usage percentage of the FlexGroup member volume.
thresholdSize (LONGINT): Size of threshold that has been reached.





This message occurs when a constituent volume in a FlexGroup volume undergoes elastic sizing either to restore balance among constituent volumes or to resize them to accommodate space needs.

Corrective Action


Syslog Message

Constituent volume "%u" in FlexGroup volume "%s" was resized from %lu bytes to %lu bytes. This constituent volume (%s) %s by resizing the constituent volume "%s" (dsid "%u"). This constituent volume is %llu bytes in size with %llu bytes used (%u percent full). The FlexGroup volume is %llu bytes in size with %llu bytes used (%u percent full).


constituent_dsid (INT): DSID of the constituent volume undergoing elastic sizing.
object_name (STRING): Name of the FlexGroup volume.
current_size (LONGINT): Original block size of the constituent volume.
new_size (LONGINT): New block size of the constituent volume.
constituent_name (STRING): Name of the constituent volume.
operation (STRING): Indicates whether the constituent volume is being grown or shrunk.
partner_name (STRING): Name of the constituent volume's partner.
partner_dsid (INT): DSID of the constituent volume's partner.
size (LONGINT): Size in bytes of the constituent volume.
used (LONGINT): Size in bytes of the used space of the constituent volume.
percent_full (INT): Percentage of filled space in the constituent volume.
flexgroup_size (LONGINT): Size in bytes of the FlexGroup volume.
flexgroup_used (LONGINT): Size in bytes of the used space in the FlexGroup volume.
flexgroup_percent_full (INT): Percentage of filled space in the FlexGroup volume.
event_time (LONGINT): When the event occurred, shown in system time.