vsdr.qos events

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- Severity
- Description
This message occurs during QoS configuration replication in a MetroCluster(tm) setup when there are maximum number of QoS policy groups already existing on the destination cluster and the system attempts to create a new QoS policy group.
- Corrective Action
Delete few QoS policy groups on the destination cluster using "qos policy-group delete" command and then resynchronize the configuration from the source cluster using "metrocluster vserver resync" command.
- Syslog Message
Reached the maximum of %d QoS policy groups. Cannot create QoS policy group %s in Vserver %s.
- Parameters
max_QoS_groups (INT): Maximum number of QoS policy groups.
QoS_policy_group (STRING): QoS policy group name.
vserver_name (STRING): Vserver name.
- Severity
- Description
This message occurs during the configuration replication phase of a Vserver DR transfer when the Quality of Service (QoS) policy group that the system is trying to replicate already exists in the cluster on a different Vserver.
- Corrective Action
Remove the existing QoS policy group or make the Vserver that already has the QoS policy group in it the destination in the Vserver DR relationship.
- Syslog Message
QoS policy group %s cannot be created in Vserver %s as the same QoS policy exists in Vserver %s.
- Parameters
qos_policy_group (STRING): Name of the QoS policy group that the system is trying to replicate.
destination_vserver (STRING): Name of the destination Vserver into which the QoS policy group is being replicated.
found_in_vserver (STRING): Name of the Vserver in which the same QoS policy group was found.