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ONTAP EMS reference
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nblade.vscanexcessivetos events

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This message occurs when ONTAP logs excessive timed-out scanning events which are due to delays in scanning response from the virus scanning (Vscan) server. Too many timed-out scanning events indicate that files are not being scanned in a timely manner.

Corrective Action

Investigate the Vscan server for timed-out scanning events to ascertain the root cause for the delays.

Syslog Message

Vscan timed-out scanning events exceeded %d in the last 30 minutes for Vscan server (IP: %s) in SVM "%s".


ExcessiveVscanTimeOutsCount (INT): Threshold count for for the maximum number of timed-out scanning events that can occur within a 30 minute interval.
scannerIp (STRING): IP address of the Vscan server.
vserverName (STRING): Name of the SVM.