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ONTAP EMS reference

nvmens.smbc events

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This message occurs when an NVMe namespace is partially restored to a SnapMirror® active sync volume because the SnapMirror® active sync volume does not support NVMe namespace.

Corrective Action

Restore of NVMe namespace to the SnapMirror® active sync volume is not supported although it is partially created on the SnapMirror® active sync volume as part of restore. The NVMe namespace needs to be manually deleted. Contact NetApp technical support for assistance.

Syslog Message

NVMe namespace "%s" is not supported on SnapMirror® active sync volume "%s" (DSID %llu).


path (STRING): Path for the NVMe namespace that has been restored.
volume_name (STRING): Name of the containing volume.
volume_dsid (LONGINT): Dataset ID (DSID) of the containing volume.