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ONTAP EMS reference

wafl.bad events

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This message occurs when you attempt to bring an aggregate online whose file system buftree type and RAID label format are inconsistent. Buftree type indicates whether the filesystem is a 32-bit or a 64-bit. Attempting to online this aggregate can cause data corruption or a system panic.

Corrective Action

Contact NetApp technical suppor

Syslog Message

Aggregate %s: Inconsistency found with the file system buftree type and RAID label format (large aggr: %d, fs: 0x%x, RAID: %d).


name (STRING): The aggregate name.
large (INT): Flag showing if the aggregate size is bigger than 16 TB.
fsbuftree (INT): File system buftree type.
raidfmt (INT): RAID buftree format.





This message occurs when you attempt to bring online a volume whose file system and volume descriptor buftree type show inconsistency. The buftree type shows whether the file system is a 32-bit or 64-bit. Bringing online such a volume can cause data corruption or system panic.

Corrective Action

(Call support).

Syslog Message

Volume %s: Inconsistency found with the file system buftree type and volume descriptor buftree type (large vol: %d, fs: 0x%x, label: 0x%x, RAID: %d). Bringing the volume online can cause data corruptions or system panic. Contact NetApp technical support.


volname (STRING): Volume name.
large (INT): Flag showing if the volume size is bigger than 16 TB.
fsbuftree (INT): File system buftree type.
labelfmt (INT): Volume descriptor buftree type.
raidfmt (INT): RAID buftree type.